bsa citizenship in society powerpoint

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge. ! However, you could also keep the people involved anonymous, and use the opportunity to explain to your teacher that much of the class is struggling with the current material. I'm Cole, the guy behind ScoutSmarts. Personally, I think that equality within society should be the bare minimum that we strive for. . Do the following: 2a. However,I strongly encourage you to consider completing any of the requirements that I dont cover! your life outside of Scouting where you feel you can actively provide Discuss with your counselor how stereotyping people can be harmful, and how stereotypes can lead to prejudice and discrimination. DATES: March 5th or 19th Class Length: 1 day for 2hrs **We will have more sessions in April to be posted on March 16th. They should get the hint, and will likely think twice the next time theyre about to say something ignorant. :). Diversity is thinking outside of the box and seeing that we humans are all in this together. If you're preparing to earn the Eagle-required Citizenship In Society (CIS) merit badge, you're in the right place! In earning the Citizenship in Society merit badge, youll complete historical research, think through important scenarios, and learn the qualities of ethical, inclusive leadership. In situations where an ignorant comment is made, its generally best to assume good intentions and give a gentle reminder that society doesnt tolerate that kind of talk. Your merit badge counselor may, for certain requirements, ask you Often, upstanders are the ones who side with individuals who are being discriminated against, and are the first to speak up when something isnt ethical. Click on the image below to view the infographic and get some ideas for events to research. When the Civil Rights Movement began gaining traction in the mid-1950s, King found himself right in the middle of it, fighting for racial justice. Since all 3 of these scenarios are ones youll likely encounter, Ill share some suggestions here too! a culture in which every youth, volunteer, and employee feels included and This is why we should look for any unconscious stereotypes we hold, and try to break free from them! If you see something, say something! given an opportunity to be heard and included in decision-making training, which includes integral information on key concepts the Scouts How can you take inspiration from MLK Jrs courage and values in your own life? Brian, was there anything else you wanted to add?, Whether its a 1-on-1 or group conversation, another great tip is to take action on what youve learned, and mention it back to the person later on. If you can be accepting, kind, and curious with people from different identities than your own, the whole planet becomes your home. Skills you'll learn. Hold up your hand in a stop gesture while doing so if you really want to make a point. However, if youd like to research an honorable historical figure instead, here are a few suggestions: As an example, Ill be telling you about Nelson Mandela. Here are a few ideas, The hardest part of all of these scenarios will likely be standing up to your peers. Share these with your counseler, and then be sure to start putting diversity into practice in your own life. Here are a few more ideas for creating a welcoming troop environment: If you can create a more friendly and welcoming atmosphere in your Scouting unit, you can certainly do so in the real world as well! If youre a leader, its important to help the people around you feel heard and included. and how stereotypes can lead to prejudice and discrimination. Citizenship in Society Facilitator Training. However, by limiting diverse input and pushing away individuals with different identities, we take the lazy way out. Explain how including diverse thoughts and opinions from others - 139th Merit Badge (last time a new badge was added was 2017 - Exploration; last time an Eagle badge was added was 2014 - Cooking) - Launched on November 1, 2021. we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements. Your email address will not be published. 512-617-8611 (front desk) Pamphlet Stock (SKU) Number: Earn the Eagle Required Citizenship in Society Merit Badge, by attending this event and completing the prerequisites Sunday, March 19, 2023 1pm-4pm at Whitney Musuem Puerto Rican Exhibit Poshurac n, at 99 Gansevoort Street in Downtown Manhattan. This is what diversity is. Here are some questions to consider that will get you started down the right path (and also help with the next requirements! While stereotyping is often done around negative qualities (all immigrants are criminals) harmful stereotyping can occur by labeling groups of people with positive qualities too (All Asians are good at math). Share how your actions represent alignment with the Scout Thanks so much for reading, and for making our world a better place. BSAs Merit Badge Counselor position specific training found on, BSAs Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Scouting volunteer training (SCO 1800) found in the BSA Learn Center at. Try to judge people solely by their actions, and not by your perceptions of the groups they belong to. To others, leadership could mean working as a team and building each other up to accomplish a shared goal. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. Give three examples of how considering diverse opinions can You know plagiarism is wrong. The focus of the Citizenship in Society merit badge is to provide you with information on diversity, equity, inclusion, and ethical leadership. At that time, schools were segregated and people who were not fully white were treated as second-class citizens. Discuss what you come up with with your merit badge counselor! We expect all members to be guided by the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Requirements were You find ScoutSmarts and see that Ive written a guide thatd be easy to copy/paste. and/or options that leader had, why you believe they chose their final Evaluate the solutions, considering the positive and negative impact they may have. Give three examples of how limiting diverse input can be harmful. For example, if someone heard on the news that an immigrant committed a crime and then afterward drew the conclusion that all immigrants were criminals, that would be stereotyping. I challenge you to come up with 3 values that your individual embodied, and discuss them with your merit badge counselor! . In order to facilitate the introduction of this merit badge within the Connecticut Rivers Council (CRC) the Council Advancement Committee has adopted the following additional guidelines, effective in the council: The Council Advancement Committee of course remains available to provide any advancement guidance that is necessary. At lunchtime, you decide youll try to sit with a group to get to know other students. you learned. As you look at your current involvement in school, your family, Scouting, your job, and/or community, think about how you can have a positive impact in diversity, equity, and inclusion.a. Encouraging open, friendly conversations among Scouts is a great way to make your troop more welcoming. The same person says, Wow, thats a great idea! When speaking to people who share a similar identity with you, youll likely learn more about yourself and your culture. For example: For more info, check out this great video (2:25) below on equity vs equality. 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If so, youll need to practice the social leadership skills of helping to make the people around you feel included, understood, and valued! He made the decision to continue writing and fighting for justice! Thanks for reading! But, sometimes these false beliefs cause harm to innocent people just because of their race, religion, or appearance. I want you to answer this question yourself, but know that ethics are about doing the right thing for the right reasons. Learn how your comment data is processed. Learn why it was added and more. You dont feel too confident about the subject and are really tempted to cheat. Inclusion is the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those who have physical or mental disabilities and members of other minority groups. Diversity is a group of people who are different in the same place. Finally, on June 26, 2015, in a landmark 5-4 decision for the Obergefell v. Hodges case, the Supreme Court ruled that marriage equality was a right for all couples! All opinions expressed belong to ScoutSmarts and their readers. Sometimes, its best to report situations to your teacher, parents, and other trustworthy adults. Be prepared for this merit badge with these related ideas and achievements: This inspirational thought reminds us that we are stronger when we work together. An experience you had in which you went out of your way to include First, break the ice by discussing aspects of your identities that are meaningful and special to both of you. Leading by example and encouraging each other to live by the values expressed by the Scout Oath and Scout Law, we welcome families of all backgrounds and help prepare young people to serve as successful members and leaders of our nations increasingly diverse communities. If you hear someone say something you genuinely think is useful, you can say Hey Brian, thats a great idea! Unfortunately, not every person learns that whats different isnt out to get them. Describe your ideas on how you can and will support others with different identities to feel included and heard at your school, workplace, and/or social settings in your community.b. This requirement is an exciting opportunity to meet with someone whos done a lot of good for your community! (It could be someone in history, a family member, a teacher, a coach, a counselor, a clergy member, a Scoutmaster, etc.)b. In addition, review of the counselor facilitation guide is necessary as BSA Troop 387 Colonial Heights UMC Kingsport TN. Considering diverse thoughts and opinions helps to make society better, and itll also help to make you a better leader! Having personally been a Boy Scout, in this article, I'll be sharing All Eagle-Required Merit Badges: Difficulty Rankings in 2023. yours. to help others who may seem different from you: Scenario 1: While at camp, a youth accidentally spills food Its easy to imagine that leaders should do all the talking, but in reality, great leaders are the ones who listen well and encourage others to participate in the planning process. Until next time, I'm wishing you all the best on your journey to Eagle and beyond! Helping others feel valued for their input and suggestions. . Since not all Asian people are good at math (me! Discuss with your counselor what you learned from the discussion with the other Scout or youth. When that happens, Scouts stay around, build friendships, and grow! Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Requirements, Citizenship In Society Merit Badge Worksheet, Speaking with Someone Who Is Different than You. a. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to ScoutSmarts with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Both of these options are great topics for better understanding the identities of your partner! Being an upstander isnt easy, but by helping make others feel welcome and respected, youll be a great citizen whos on the path to success! diversity, equity, and inclusion. badge counselor how you feel they relate to the Scout Oath and Scout Remember, a Scout is friendly and kind! Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. Everyone is valued for their unique characteristics. Explain what decision and/or options that leader had, why you Scouting has always promoted "doing a good turn daily," and as our world evolves, we want to ensure our Scouts evolve with it in understanding, appreciating, and respecting the differences that make us unique. another Scout(s) and what you did to make them feel included and You might have many identities such as being a Scout, a good student, and maybe even a person who always tries to do the right thing. Hopefully, you'll learn a few things along the way and make the best of your time in Scouting. I'm constantly writing new content because I believe in Scouts like you! But people can have very different identities. Standing up for others. Imagine, youre at school and get paired with a group where everyone is already friends. Now, following July 1, 2022, the Citizenship in Society merit badge is officially required for earning your Eagle Scout rank. People at two tables tell you there is someone sitting at the currently empty seat at their table, so you end up eating by yourself.o How would that make you feel?o What could the students have done?o If that happened at your school, what would you do?c. This merit badge is required for the rank of Eagle Scout starting in July 2022. If youre preparing to earn the Eagle-required Citizenship In Society (CIS) merit badge, youre in the right place! Avoid ever attacking someones character due to a disagreement be sure to only focus on the ideas. Document and discuss with your counselor three or more areas in your life outside of Scouting where you feel you can actively provide stronger leadership in.a. The Scout Oath and Scout Law are the appropriate boundaries to use in these discussions, and your skills as the counselor should demonstrate inclusive leadership and how to value everyones thoughts and opinions. The Value And Benefits of Scouting (58 Highlights From Scouts). By working on the requirements for the Citizenship in Society merit badge, Scouts learn that we all benefit when everyone is included and has a voice. Today, widely held stereotypes continue to cause racial profiling and discrimination in our society. Our council Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor training Part 1: Online CiS MBC Guidelines Training. In your own life, here are some examples of ethical decisions you might need to make: Now, consider some of the ethical decisions youve made in your own life. This is a Powerpoint slide deck you will find and download from the registration page for Part 2 of the training. The role of the counselor is that of a skilled listener and discussion leader, as well as someone informed on key concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion through BSA-provided training and self-guided exploration. A safe environment must be provided for the Scout to discuss these topics and their observations without judgment. 3, 6 and 7 are through a field trip to a local embassy in DC. Identify and interview an individual in your community, school, Document and discuss with your counselor:a. b. By calling out bias and promoting diversity wherever you go, youll help to make our world a kinder, more accepting place. Raised in a religious family with his father being the pastor of a Baptist church, Martin Luther King Jr fostered strong values at an early age. Unlike other merit badges where Scouts rely on the merit badge pamphlet as their primary source of information, the Citizenship in Society Merit Badge is designed to promote self-learning on behalf of the Scout. Or, they may need a job where they can work on a computer while sitting. The final 3 tie back to ethical decision-making, so you should already have a good idea of what it means to make ethical decisions. There, youll also find the links to my other merit badge guides, as well as a description and summary of each badges requirements. List three examples of ethical decisions you might have to make Instead, he preached forgiveness and spent every day working to move South Africa past the hatred of the Apartheid and into better times! Scouts will need to research and formulate answers on their own. Share your own stories of fun troop experiences or tell them. The Citizenship in Society merit badge is an important initiative . In fact, having some empathy and honest communication can go a long way towards reducing the consequences of a difficult ethical decision. 2021. As found in the definition of "reverent" in the Scout Law, we Same-sex marriage wasnt the only historical event that positively changed how society viewed a group of people! counselors for the badge are strongly encouraged to complete the DEI volunteer New ideas and different ways of thinking are what diversity is all about! The ability to think critically is one of the most important skills we humans have. Someone whos handicapped and uses a wheelchair might need financial support to be able to cover medical bills. Then, jot down your ideas on what inspired MLK Jr, the challenges he faced, and why he was successful. Consider ethical decision-making. inclusion/Citizenship-in-Society-Merit-Badge-Counselor-Guide-2021.pdf They indicate to the racist/sexist/prejudiced person that what theyre saying isnt okay while working to deescalate the situation. with different identities can: Help everyone benefit by considering different opinions. Furthermore, If you have any questions, please contact the VP-Diversity on our councils Executive Board. I earned my Eagle back in 2014, and along the way, learned how to be a dependable leader. Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, toward the achievement of a goal. 2022 Boy Scouts of America, Connecticut Rivers Council - All Rights Reserved, Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Requirements, CRC Citizenship in Society Counselor Checklist,,, Document and discuss with your counselor: Ideas on what you personally can do to create a welcoming environment Ethical leadership is all about acting with integrity and leading others to follow suit. Stereotypes are everywhere, but the first step to overcoming them lies simply in identifying our own bias. Do you care about them? Blanks in this worksheets table appear when Help new Scouts to complete basic requirements and learn skills so that they have something to be proud of right off the bat! Creating an environment where others feel comfortable to share Our council Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor training Part 1: Online CiS MBC Guidelines Training. BTW, youll get the req signed off too!. which are available at Law to feel welcomed and able to take advantage of the many opportunities and/or community, think about how you can have a positive impact in Guys, did you hear that? Later, discuss this with your badge counseler! You need to earn a merit badge but are pressed for time. As humans, one of our greatest gifts is our ability to learn from history. Share with each other what makes the different aspect of your identity meaningful/special to you.b. In school, were taught not to plagiarize, and the same is true for Scouting worksheets. Remember, people are individuals, first and foremost! As they dive into discussing the project, you want to share an idea too but are nervous. Hopefully, you can think of a few experiences like this off the top of your head. Scenario 3: A new student in your class was born in another different identities to feel included and heard at your school, By noticing injustice and speaking out against it, youll surely serve as a great upstander throughout your life! Youve reached part 2 of my ultimate guide to the Citizenship In Society merit badge! merit badge pamphlet. to identify your sources. The new merit badge encourages Scouts to explore important topics around diversity, equity, inclusion, and ethical leadership and learn why these qualities are important in society and in . Give yourself a big pat on the back for making it this far. to get to know other students. Are you starting to see how important it is to always try to do the right thing? This site is made to support Scouts, Scoutmasters, and Scouting families. . Or maybe you damage something and have the choice to fess up or avoid the consequences. Read the press announcement about this new Eagle required merit badge. 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