colgate commercial with blind boy

WTF? A commercial advertisement on television (usually abbreviated to TV commercial, ad, ad-film, and known in UK as advert, or TV advert) is a span of television programming produced and paid for by an organization, which conveys a message, typically to market a product or service. What are these Mad Men (and women) snorting? The most grating is the Ferrero Rocher spot with a woman singing its Christmas time again my loooove with her warbly, thin, reedy voice. The third is two kids, trudging through the snow with scowls on their faces and yelling, 'We're GOING to NANA'S". . It looks and feels like an SNL sketch. Cleaner taste. The Zac Efron spot wherein he resembled a 70's gay porn star. But also because that's a sappy song that I didn't like when it was first released, sung by Louis Armstrong, and it hasn't improved with age. Her big floating head superimposed on the teeny tiny Beachbody instructor is creepy AF. How long do people live with cerebral palsy? His hair is probably colored by the lovely lady co-star in the commercial, who is obviously Greg's beloved. r547, yes, I'm part of that. I always wish the mother would snarl "Shut the hell up, you little know-it-all!". Colgate reminds people that the power of a smile can bring optimism to those around them in a new commercial, titled "The Power of a Smile". so there :D\r\renjoy!\r\rWhen cutie Katie makes a scene\rshe wears a smile brushed 3 ways clean\r\rCleaner breath. Help me I'm old. His hair, his face, his voice, the "helpful people" who make suggestions. Does Voltarin only work on skinny gay men married to women? Martha Stewart is 80 this year and I don't care how much of a bitch she may be to work for, she seems like an angel compared to that other Martha -- and at least she's beautiful (still)! I almost cried just now. They lift up the garage doors for the whole neighborhood to see and start doing their podcast. The singer sounds like she's being slowly tortured. He has his eyes closed. Callcott died of cancer in Noosa, Queensland on 10 May 2013, aged 66. The one with an interracial couple (black guy, blonde white girl); she gets out of the car and he stays in, fantasizing about "bruncha manicurea nice pedicure" and then she gets back in with a check for the car she has just sold inside of two minutes! Its exciting to play a major role in this iconic brands biggest product launch in two decades, said actor Luke Wilson. She dances like some cruiseship performer. And the women pooping commercial is incredibly misogynistic. Id do anything, for you dear - anything! I don't have cable anymore, but I went to visit family a month ago and they had cable so I saw lots of commercials. Especially a Hess truck attached to a giant penis rocket ship. Colgate uses false authority because the Doctors are normally not fully qualified to be Doctors. Sensodyne Pronamel Fresh Breath Enamel Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth. The child is slow to reach milestones such as rolling over, sitting, crawling, and walking. The commercials are offensive where a white woman brags to black friend how she loves the bubble maker. R89,you may be eligible to add $144 to your Social Security. Yes indeed, we too use "cookies." Wendys Square Hamburger Reggie Miller Celebrating Commercial, Klarna Paris Hilton & Bretman Rock Long Dog Commercial, Progressive HomeQuote Explorer Alan & Friend Commercial Song, Samsung Galaxy Watch5 Dad Winning Racing Competition Commercial, Patrn Tequila People Applauding Commercial. Is it just in LA - the Casino Morongo commercial - with an older African American couple laughing and grooving out in a convertible - he looks like an older Rick Fox and she looks like that tv chef Carla. Get ready for little nugget Kaleb to step up. Comedy Central. I wish they'd stop playing it. And now the hello Im your vagina commercial. That Best Buy commercial where the sales guy tells him to sous vide meat. That horrible Medicare ad featuring a loud nasty crone named Martha says that she's 75. I love the commercial where the somewhat chubby sweetfaced black girl is huffing the Gain mid aisle and the schlubby chubby shop keep is lost in bonerville. How do some of these ridiculous commercials even get past the discussion stage? Arent drawers underwear? What hes sniffing are basketball shorts. Have you noticed the uptick of serious season actors shilling now? PICK UP THE FUCKING TABLET! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Her big floating head superimposed on the teeny tiny Beachbody instructor is creepy AF. Only time? when he's offered cake and then claps his hands because he's just so damn proud of himself. Most adults with any kind of money in the bank and decent pensions won't be eligible for whatever Jimmy, Joe and everyone else is bullshitting about. And I don't need a speech impediment to be adoRable. While seeking a seat, he introduces himself and beams his bright smile to a young girl, who cheerfully offers her name and they begin a conversation. Those repulsive Amy Schumer Tampax commercials are disgusting. Agreed, R282. It's just such a stupid concept. The Duluth Trading Company "Funk No" underwear commercial. How many fucking Holocaust survivors are remaining in Russia??? WHY WHY WHY are they repeating that moronic I LIKE RED car commercial again this season???? The Celebrity X Cruise line commercial (which would would be the last fucking place I would think of being), with the actor singing What a Wonderful Word in an excruciatingly disturbing vocal fry. I've never posted on one of these threads, but this Grocery Outlet ad has driven me past every last one of my limits. I heard Charles Barkley say he wouldn't be surprised if Shaq started doing ads for tampons! ? And Dave yells Lasagna! Then they repeat this. You gonna go after wheres the beef next? Leave alone nurse of Progressive commercial. The new Liberty emu commercial is pretty fucking funny, no matter how CGI'd it looks. Speaking of Jlo r1, I play several games on my phone, and I'm constantly seeing Jlo in ads for Coin Master. She must be a millionaire. One was for some online gaming site and they have her face on the body of a cartoon crab or something, like she is one of the characters in some casino game. Funny how Caesars used to be so classy, and they go with a Silly Caesar as opposed to MGM they went with Fox. This is a longer version - in the short version I usually see he even lisps his s's. The girl, named Grace, seems pleased to meet Caleb and asks him if he has just moved in the area. I did not know that public surprise anal in Japan is a thing. Theyre fucking annoying. And those goddamned Chinese Fung Shen dancers, or whatever it's called, which will inundate us for 3 fucking months. R242 He graduated from my high school and is now a student at alma mater. All these betting app commercials are stupid, but Caesar's should have never made it past the Ides of March. Select Editions Large Type features up to two expertly edited best-selling books in every volume. Online datingI wanted to get back into dating but didnt know where to start? Like its tennis or something. The film industry was shut down for over a year. Readers Digest Partners for Sight Foundation is committed to maintaining compliance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA standard for digital accessibility. I don't really hate the ad itself. I was loving the Larry David commercial until I realized it was a spot for fucking bitcoin. Keira Knightley is in some perfume ad that is set to fragments of Janis Joplin's CRY. The Joe Namath Medicare ads are equally annoying. That Peyronie's disease commercial is now shown throughout the day. R80, maybe that's what Prevagen does to those who take it -- turns them all into Stepford wife types. R106, and please make TLC stop showing the ads for Dr. Pimple Popper!! It seems that the new Aidy Bryant commercial for old Navy, looks like the road company of Disney's Fantasia. What the FUCK??? I am kinda liking the return of the libity bibity bad actor guy especially when he goes through the entire line and stops at a"need". Szaz, not nasal enough. Shes an icon for over ten years. But let us be grateful that the horrible "real people, not actors" Chevrolet ads seem to be gone (hope I'm not jinxing it here). Pancakes at 3 in the morning, not a fucking pot roast. What about the old, starving, cold Russian Jews? Of course, when actually shopping at Target one will see so few people who look like these business owners they're telling the rest of to support shopping the aisles with you. With commensurate expenses like houseS, carS, etc. GET IN THE CAR INSIDE THE GARAGE INSIDE THE HOUSE. And what's with the kid who, while skipping around town, kicks the older woman's newspaper out of her hand? Is there a point? [quote] YOU HAVE AN ATTACHED GARAGE BEHIND YOU. It's on every 15 minutes regardless of what you're watching. My God, doesn't this man have enough money? "Do you have cheese?" Subsequently, Who is the girl in Crest 3D White commercial? Not hating, but more bewildered after seeing Liev Schrieber in a commercial for a company called "Mattress Firm". The Spectrum cable monster ads are back. I think the actor playing her the Flo actors real daughter. Your not fooling anyone that he's still a kid.and that 20 year old caleb with his squeaky voice making our ears bleed. And the bizarre ad for one of those doordash type delivery services. Is she that desperate for cash? "Side effects, some fatal, have been reported. Enough with the fucking Shriners kids commercials!!!!! The ad explains that normally she's an obnoxious little bitch who rolls her eyes and never utters more than a single syllable or looks away from her phone, but "that face" only comes out in a Vrbo. Lost them to or he drove them to? For fuck's sake! She noted she views Buck and Eddie as having a great friendship only. YES. As you describe it, Starbucks' contribution to her education may just have been allowing her to study at one of their tables between shifts without having to order anything. Now that the gecko is banished from the Jeopardy kingdom, I can't remember what he looks like. The current one features a Latino guy who'd always wanted to be a nurse and, after he nursed his mother and brother through their final illnesses, Amazon helped him go to school to become a Med Ass't and now he's studying to become a RN. Headquarters are in New York City. It appears to be a serious commercial. That Kate McKinnon commercial. Colgate (toothpaste). The Hungry Root food delivery commercial where one of the women does that annoying sing-song thing: "Hungry Root caaame throooough!". Bupkis. ", "Some patients may experience trouble breathing, swallowing, or speaking. My 3 year old is blind and we face challenges everyday, this so much my heart and soul needed this morning. . Why the board of directors of that company hasn't defenestrated him by now is just a mystery. I have never been so annoyed by a commercial - and that's saying a lot. [quote] The sad animal commercial, with the fucking annoying chick practically crying through the dialogue. Seat Geek with the talking and moving rear end of people. All rights reserved. I hope the folks at Home Goods paid hall and Oates a shitload of money, because I used to like that song. It's basically a department store, like Marshalls, they sell discounted high end items. The fucking NetSpend ad. I notice there's a new spot for Doug and Emu as they try to fly in a helicopter. Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. Get a brighter, whiter smile when you use Colgate Optic White toothpaste, mouthwash, and toothbrush products during your oral care routine. R409 I think you mean "the adowable teddy bear blanket". Something about that makes me want to throw a brick through the TV. Popular topics. She looks a little crazy now . @Zamaswati_M. The super creepy commercial for some erection product, it features a real life father and son, they've created the product. What is the best toothpaste in the world? Tepezza -The big blond woman with Thyroid eye disease! So over that! NECROSIS, in addition to a whole host of things. Check out the video at Can Your Smile Do? Have you no shame, let alone creativity? In every previous "commercial's you're hating", I recognize 90% of them. It just puzzles me that I, as a below the line person could survive not working for 7 months without substantial savings (I'm not touching my retirement), while these people are surely millionaires. R427 that shit is soooo tiresome. And of course they advertise whatever Shaq is schilling atm which is basically what theyre all about (Adam Sandler must own a huge portion of the network or stock in it with what theyre always advertising with his abysmal offerings) other than their big cash cow South Park. This commercial does not motivate me to buy the product, only to change the channel. That colgate ad where the "blind" kid gets on the school bus and makes a friend awww. Are you too lazy to go to the grocery store or poor as fuck? The Alexa commercial with the guy who's ironing and watching his favorite show. Fuck! Theyre cringe-inducing and they all look like theyre from the same advertising team. Its like lets treat women like clowns and undeserving of respect or simple privacy. There's a new commercial with a mixed race lesbian couple, forgot what's it's for, food? Doug from Liberty Mutual needs to burn in a pile of flaming ostrich feathers. It is possible to make a good TV commercial with a little kid instead of tripe like the one described at R308. our privacy/terms or if you just want to see the damn Kind of negates all the miracle drug happy talk. is used for some teeth whitening product. She approaches the middle of the stage and sees a smile of reassurance from someone else before beginning her speech. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The women could simply be roommates. What can your smile do? an onscreen line reads at the end of the heart-warming commercial. Next time you see that ad R3, take a close look at the nerdy girl. So, will the two 9-1-1 cast members ever get together in a romantic way? Call me Mary - you know the aspca commercials about the poor freezing animals? When we were kids we had a different kind of bubble maker in the tub. R368, I LOVE the Pepto jingle. All of their commercials are muted because all of them are senior cellular service or Medicare open enrollment ads. Thank God they've stopped running the Shriners commercial. The girl and her mother should have been shown enjoying the gift and together waving thanks to the mother. She has a line or two, but I didn't pay attention to what she says. It seems more like a cry for help on suicide watch. Privacy Policy. The commercial . Saw the 12 Days of Cha-ching commercial today. spot where the elf pushes a huge gift card uphill to his friend and, together, they then carry a huge card down the hill to parts unknown? He annoys me more than the "Heroes in Film" book club lady. Have questions about your smile? I hate the Progressive ad where Flo ruins the close encounter between nerdy girl and hot guy in the laundromat. This must have been mentioned a few times already, but I cannot stand the commercial with Dave Grohl, Kevin Hart, and some other people in a house and Dave is shouting to Kevin that he made lasagna. Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site The Toyota commercial about Sams Bookstore burning down and the kid collecting books to reopen the store, overlaid with that maudlin treacle Rainbow by Kacey Musgraves. Can't stand it! Thanks to those people who sent info about the video. The answer to my question about Amazon at R95 is at the link. I never hated that guy - I thought he was the best one of the bunch. Im Morgan and theres more to me than HIV. . Use supermodels or very attractive women instead! Only thing worse or almost is the background music in the new commercial which is clearly a knock off of the Chi-Lites Oh Girl.. The white gal has bad stomach problems. You still have to do all the prep work, like oH tHiS iS SO FUtuRistic!!!1! This is a great reason to AVOID WW! That fag deserves to be mentally unstable. [quote]Have you noticed the uptick of serious season actors shilling now? Its like being a Cassandra of crap. The fucking SoFi "money dance" commercials drive me absolutely insane. 2018. All they say 'are you going to make a donation sir?" "So we're dancing now? WTF is going on in that bizarre ad for some overnight incontinence machine? The Snuggle teddy bear and the woman dancing.they look like they're having seizures. Marie Fake Osmond is back with new Nutrisystem commercials. I hate the Wendy's fries commercial where they compare them to McDonalds and for some reason there is loud grating scream. The Biore blackhead ads are fucking disgusting. Plus, I can't understand what the bear is saying. While I applaud the idea, the Pastor Chris guy just scares me. This usually happens before a child is born, but it can occur at birth or in early infancy. Seriously, if you have health issues this serious, you are going to see a doctor in person, then, get your dame urine checked! Youtube skin care ads where millenials talk incessantly with big doe eyes about how this product saved their skin and their sex life, apparently. As an old friend used to point out when describing the Madison Avenue mindset, "these are the people who came up with "clean your rugs this afternoon, entertain guests tonight". I think its doordash where theyre on the bus and this lady talks about how theyre able to deliver the best bofogo or something As if were supposed to know what that even is. [quote] while these people are surely millionaires. The car ad where three kinds of people state some destination they're headed to in their over-sized, nasty, gas-guzzling luxury tank. I'm still not sure wtf they're trying to sell me there. The Hippo ad with Ralph Fiennes aborted son. R464 Unfortunately, I caught the new Jimmie Walker Medicare commercial today. The same company has another ad for deodorant for your pits talking about "T-Rex arms". In the commercial, white trash people are shown watching him on TV and saying, "Sold, sold, sold!". In particular, there are several websites and online resources that specialize in this kind of search. And I always imagine they smell like Pizza Hut anyway. Lindells type followers needs specific instructions when using his advanced product like the modern towel. Please click here to update your account with a username and password. [quote] Absolutely despise the JLo spots for those Goli gummy chews. Medicare annual open enrollment with MARTHA is the absolute worst TV commercial I have ever seen. It hit home and hit my heart. FOR THE LOVE OF SWEET BABY JESUS! Has anyone mentioned the newest Shingrix (sp?) Twelve??? Today I saw a new Shriners Hospital commercial with Alec and I think we should all be ready for him to be phased out as their spokesperson in 2022. I cant dive for the mute button fast enough. The Bounty commercials where some idiot spills a liquid they all react as if it's sulfuric acid. Is the boy in the Colgate commercial blind? Can imagine the outrage if there was a commercial where a guy killed a woman in bar? I love Kate doing the Lezbo Klomp in the red stilettos. How does this work? Id like to see that Dyke covered in that gallon of ranch dressing topped with her Coo Coo Crusty. The woman with the vocal fry walking and talking on her cell phone about how much research she's done to prove the vaccine was safe before letting her kids get it. Is the guy Bubba Watson? (lyrics below)Most said that this video may have been shown during the early 60's. so there :Denjoy!Whe. A lot of the TV ads described in this thread must be regional. I realize it's not National, but I wouldn't mind seeing the black and white Winn-Dixie "twins" die in a common grease fire! You have to have a certain timeline to go after someone and that were at the 418th in already dude. Repulsive Amy Schumer is more disgusting. Published April 25, 2022 I can't tell whether the actors are the same people, just a generic pretty white couple. Kevin yells back, what! R236-I can only imagine how cringe-worthy the auditions were for that spot. Guy wears male clothes, but each time I see him as "genderfluid" anyway. A young girl named Ana Montoya feels jitters from backstage as her name is announced. Not sure what these ads are pushing, anyone who is eligible for extra 'freebies' via Medicare, usually has MEDICAID as their main or third form of health insurance. What is the rating for the movie Old School? Is for you to learn how to eat her pussy to climax, you limp dick. Can imagine the outrage if there was a commercial where a guy killed a woman in bar? which she proceeds to do. Fresh mix of social lifehacks and guidlines. On the other hand I can totally see them being the types to shop there so stellar casting I suppose. Amazon asks employees to appear in TV commercials praising the boss and employees are free to decline without repercussions? But even worse is one of the ladies doing a testimonial afterwards. Ripple makes milk now? If you watch the Ricky Gervais series, "After Life", you get a real glimpse at the type of person who adores Kevin Hart. Is Bill the guy who pulls up his shirt to reveal the worst case of flesh-eating bacteria I've ever seen? Enjoy the best in current fiction, romance, mystery, biography, adventure, and morein easy-to-read large print! Don't know what it's for but the commercial featuring the woman and her dog, where she's preparing dinner using a pepper mill and she describes it using the most god-awful vocal fry. That ugly, red-headed, skinny thing in the recent Walgreens commercial. Those dollop for daisy commercials which are always so over the top. They have nothing to do with eating cream cheese. There are several different variations of the ad and the longest is 2+ minutes! He must have zero T-cells left. They are the stuff of dreams I used to have after dropping a tab of acid. By the time I grabbed the remote to turn on the sound, the ad was done, so I can't judge the "quality" of the ad. Aidy Bryant commercial for a company called `` Mattress Firm '' fucking ``. Is in some perfume ad that is set to fragments of Janis Joplin 's CRY discussion stage subsequently, is. Tv and saying, `` some patients may experience trouble breathing, swallowing, or whatever 's! There 's a new spot for fucking bitcoin teddy bear and the longest is 2+ minutes from backstage as name. Buy the product, only to change the channel her big floating head superimposed the... Would snarl `` Shut the hell up, you may be eligible to $. On my phone, and toothbrush products during your oral care routine them to McDonalds and for some reason is. 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