diatomaceous earth vs nematodes for fleas

I dont own any pets, so its even more frustrating. Keep strong! $9.97 for a bag at Home depot 100% diatomaceous earth. Its effectiveness varies depending on the environment its used in. My dog is 11, & this is our first experience with fleas. Then I will shop vac and go over it again with more DE or borax and flea traps. Using AdvantageII, Siphotrol Premise spray, and I bombed w/ Raid flea and bed bug bomb that 1st week of October. Im constantly finding flea eggs and droppings EVERYwhere, mostly in hard to reach places where I cant properly clean. Getting Kids Started with Vegetable Gardening, Getting Kids Started with Vegetable Gardening. Unless its VERY humid, the DE should be fine. Hope that helps , I get rid of the fleas but one of my dogs keeps playing with a neighbor cat that is infested and gets them again. I dust under beds and under sofas, behind the TV and cabinets as these items are difficult to move and fleas love to live in such areas. Just keep an eye on it thats all, ironically it is probably a lot less dangerous than other flea control methods. I ordered 10 LBS and need to do 4 rooms and a hallway, do you think that is a good amount? Although they will probably be fine, rather keep the small ones out the room to be safe. Thanks so much and I cant wait to hear from you. Any ideas? Glad I can be of assistance, I am always willing to help my valuable readers . It says its 100% Diatomaceous earth, but then it says that it includes amorphous silica, silicon dioxide, and other oxides. Hi Terri, she didnt but DE does work. The experience with bed bugs and fleas is, the fleas are harder to get rid of due to having two animals walking around as hosts. I ran and bought frontline and put it on all 3 of them, then 13 days later they became infested again! Having researched the deadly effects of Avantix and other poisonous big company products, I found myself reading an FDA Study report from a major topical flea poison maker and was thoroughly disgusted with what I read. so before you go ahead and purchase anything, I recommend that you read over my dedicated article on using borax for fleas (on this blog). Going to dust my couch and their bedding. I am lost as to how to get my dogs relief. I have borrowed a live trap for the racoons, but I am wondering if I use DE outside on the deck and adjacent ground if that will harm any nematodes I plan to release afterwards? Please help. I hope the little diatoms act like ninja blades on the little evil fleas and they die every last one. It was so successful that my dogs were really happy and finally could lay around or play without being bothered by fleas and start scratching themselves every 10 seconds, no kidding. On a Friday we bombed with hot shot foggers with nylar an igr, throughout our trailer. So if you could help me with this I would so appreciate it. Food grade DE is great for your pets, even when ingested. Thanks for your time. We live on a nature preserve and have found them in our yard. Some things i have just thrown out because I cant deal with it all. The whole family, as well as the dog, takes about 2 teaspoons in water each day, as animals can draw little critters to humans. The dog lost, and so did i .To my amazement however I found that skunk scent is an oil. Is there a way to clear my patio of them? Couple of questions. . later. Will this kill fleas and eggs or will new ones hatch when we move in and walk around. Tomorrow Ill be blowing up the front yard with it, after first rain Ill attack lawn with dawn and sprayer. Older transplants may resist pest pressure and recover more quickly if they suffer damage. And I have yet to find out how pure it is. The cleaning part can be challenging but it works and thats all that matters! Def where the problem lies. I am very glad that my blog has been useful to you, really makes writing these guides worthwhile when I hear that people are appreciating them If you need any further help, let me know and I will make some time for you. Hi Linda! Thanks so much for all your helpful information! Hi Shari! Diatomaceous earth powder is the most common form and it usually comes in bags, but is also available in jars and bottles. I have a terrible infestation of fleas and have had my small apartment sprayed twice with an all natural product used by a professional exterminator. Hi. Here is some more great information on how to apply Beneficial Nematodes from John Dromgoole of The Natural Gardener. You can read more about the benefits of a no-till garden here. Vacuuming twice (sometimes three) times a day for weeks now and always empty it outside and in a bag. Used properly, DE is effective as a preventive immediately; with a flea infestation it takes about a month after you dust with DE then vacuum. Just make sure that it is food grade so that its safe. Also, leave it down for a week, while putting a DIY flea trap (article on this blog) in each room at night. How can I get it up without spreading it all over my house? I have been battling fleas for the last 2 weeks. These are spread out in a dry powder form and used to control Snails, Slugs, Earwigs, Thrips and Aphids. I always advised against using water but doing that and then letting it dry, such a good idea. I recommend you read the entire post but if you are in a rush and want to skip to the usage instructions, please click here. And if you have vacuumed up some of the DE powder that is an excellent way to kill bugs in the vacuum cleanerno need to remove and toss vacuum cleaner bags. Also I wondered if you could feed it to your pet and yourself to deal with bugs and or worms? In some homes the powder was so thick it puffed up when walking on carpets.. I never want to be without it! Do I give my cat a bath later that day? 2. Hey Ilona! Just make sure its food grade and isnt infused with other stuff and it will be fine. I read in a couple of your comments saying fleas on humans are not that common (or something along that line). Hi, Natasha, great article, and kudos for staying on the job. Thanks!! Another thing to try are Seresto flea collars. Im not sure how to avoid this (it was a fine sprinkling) and wonder why you caution against raising such a cloud. Ive treated my car, having my father transport the pets back and forth because of the pesticides Ive used in it. Would it be better to do one level at a time to try to chase them all to the basement or just do both at once? Ive heard to put a table spoon of DE in the dogs food to also help. Hi Sharon, it will be fine, just dont use an excessive amount . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Its a pleasure, glad that you have found it beneficial! It is very helpful. Thanks so much for all the info on DE and fleas! Keep new fleas from getting on them when they go back outsde, since I havent heard the word Repellant used? Once that is done, sprinkle some DE on your carpeted rooms, and leave that DIY flea trap (again, I have a guide on this) out at night (it must be the only light). This morning the fleas were jumping up on both my daughter and my legs at regular intervals, all over the house. Hi Calmtmpr! The bedbugs were just killed the fleas are hopping on the cats and wandering around with them. Many thanks! But it doesn't have to only be ingested to be effective. I also want to hook up a radio loud, to keep them thinking someone is home, or whatever they say to do, to keep them hatching. Do you think that the DE will absorb the Advantage and prevent it from spreading over the cats? However, since we dont know its exact compound makeup, I recommend going online and just getting it delivered to your door, thats what I do Just make sure that you get the pure stuff that doesnt contain insecticides. We have been vacuuming, washing bedding, stuffed animals etc, we sprayed Vets Best natural spray everywhere. Jon. It sounds like some vacuum up immediately. Do you know if the DE will hurt her if she walks on the floor or furniture where it was? Just make sure its the pure, food grade variation and it might be worth your while to get with your vet first Good luck! Just a tip for small pet owners: Once you have your home and pet dusted and you are living in a crystal palace with white dust everywhere for a few weeks, check your cat or dogs eyes for built-up sand in the tear ducts. For some reasons, Amazon rejected my order because my shipping address is Canada. I moved all of the beds and made sure I got DE everywhere. I also purchased nematodes and put them out a week ago, then the DE for inside yesterday. Electlady Hi just wanted to comment and say that I have 2 Boston Terriers . I bought DE and have used it like suggested here. Simply mix some of it with cocoa powder and flour in equal parts and leave it in the area where you have a roach problem, works really well . Hi Matthew, not if you dont have pets/kids/etc. It took the smell completely away with one bath. I tried Borax again, it seems a lot better the second time around. Talk to your veterinarian about the best options for your situation. I hope the DE does the trick!! The walls of our basement are whitewashed with lime, but getting bad since my Dad got sick and passed away 12 years ago. Contact with DE can cause skin abrasions, dryness, and eye irritation. Author Posts Any suggestions? Hi Janice, thanks for sharing your experiences and for the suggestion . Hope that helps! They work for up to 8 months. Also, Im thinking of just leaving some under the places my cats cant reach, like under the stove. Could you give me directions for using either one for outdoor feral cats ? Also try my DIY flea traps, they are easy to make and work well. Thanks for sharing! Its a pleasure, please share it on Facebook . Who would have guessed that these tiny little beetles could cause such a fuss? Fleas have to come into contact with the DE to die so a repeat application will just ensure that it works 100%. It is so horrible, iI don;t know how much longer i can live with these things on me.I bought some Diatomaceous Earth. How safe is it really? In fact, leaving it down (provided it doesnt get wet) will actually improve the results. It will not be effective when wet, but when it dries out, it should have some efficacy.. Thank you so much for all of the suggestions here. I dont usually like to hard sell something, but its only $9 and since you need a holistic approach here (that covers everything), its going to save us both time lol. ), or do you put it on and then wash them? Thanks for all your suggestions, I feel relieved. I dont know how they got in here again, Unless through open windows (with screens.) Though estimates vary widely, scientists believe there may be as many as two million species of diatoms inhabiting lakes, oceans, ponds, and most other aquatic environments. Bought mine at a feed store and paid 18 dollars for 16 oz. Shake this solution in the container until mixed and lay the folded paper towels in the solution. Hi Wendy! Pretty gross. Now after doing all of this, instead of combing my cat and getting 10-15 out at a time, Im finding around 3 or 4 after a full comb which is great. Thanks! It is a tricky one, but I dont think you can do much if they wont let you near them . (We live in an old coal mining area I am assuming the floors are slate). Hi Cindy, thanks for your lovely comment, it contains so much juicy details. Article is on this blog. Also, do I need to treat hard surfaces.such as bookshelves, our fireplace, etc? Keep up the good work! And I know they have fleas. I had used de last year for flea control and i will never use anything else since this worked wonders and did rid my flea infestation. Hi Sara! Another question is, how long can they go without feeding on blood before they die?.. Hi Natalie, yes DE will work nicely in your case and you can use it like that on your bed/rugs. This has worked very well up until this year. Hi Natasha, I used borax all over my wood floors and carpet 2 days ago, vacuumed it up after 12 hours. My dog cant walk 5 steps without scratching. I have asthma, and it has never bothered me. Hi R Trail! And it is odorless so they dont freak out from a nasty smell. Hi Valerie! Hope that helps! I need to have these gone by Friday and I am desperate to get them dead ASAP without using a bug bomb. However, there is no need to take a chance, just give your cats a quick wash (I put mine in the shower and yes, they do hate me for it for a good couple days) and only after they are completely dry, apply the Advantage. Can you give instructions on how much to feed them (with their food). I have used the DE in my house and I have all wood flooring. Thank you so much for your informative article. I understand you are not a vet or a doctor, but do you have an opinion about the wisdom of allowing them to romp in the back yard? Hi Kate! For your dog, there are a number of other natural flea treatments that you can try, check out my dedicated guide on removing dog fleas and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much for the info Natasha!! thats when I discovered DE. Kills Bed Bugs, Fleas, Insects. Keep up the great work! I have sprinkled it on them into their furs, I have sprinkled it in all areas where they lay, I have sprinkled it wherever we get bitten while standing or sitting..and EVERY horizontal place in my home is now covered with the dust from it. Thank you for this helpful article. Hi Krissy, I am sure that it will work just as well, let me know how it goes. Today a flea was on my husbands leg, do you think this means I still have a lot of fleas everywhere, or could it be a couple that havent died yet? Whats the minimum amount of time to leave it down for and is it generally safe for my cat to walk around on straight after application? Hi Jessica! The problem, he says, is that homeowners will often misapply or over-apply it. How long does it usually take for it to start working? I just wanted to add that the Diatomaceous Earth has to be food grade (not the kind used in pool filters, which is dangerous to animals and humans). Hi Diane! 4. Hi Sharlon, yes that sounds perfect, good luck! Hi Nancy! DE is great for getting rid of fleas in carpets and beds so I highly recommend that you give it a try. Yes, nematodes and diatomaceous earth can be used together as a pest control strategy against common pests. Is DE effective against bees? Speaking as a former vet assistant, I would recommend not bathing with a repellent. Surely there is an online store near you that can supply 100% DE? It has a long thin nozzle and you squeeze the plastic container and the dust puffs out the tip, directly where you want it to go. Our latest batch of kittens came with their nursing mama in the beginning. Still, gonna keep going till the traps are ZERO. I dont but just get an empty icecream tub, punch holes in the top and use it like a salt shaker to distribute the DE. Also on label Diatomaceoous Earth with Calcium Bentonite- Analysis: Ash(Mineral Matter) Maximum 95%,Moisture 8% Is the correct product to use, or does it need to be labeled only Food Grade? I do not know what fleas actually look like, so am wondering if this is what they were? He wants to be fussed, but will only tolerate it when he is half asleep. Thank you for all the information in this blog. Or do I need a lamp that produces heat? Cheers! Hi Natasha Your article was so very informative. Since using the diatomaceous earth also known as d.e., they never had a bed bug problem again. They are all natural and do not harm your animals! I also put down salt hoping they would eat it and dehydrate too. Fleas and other parasites can be harmful to both pets and humans, not to mention a serious nuisance. Fleas are fairly resilient and although they are less active during colder weather, it wont kill them in most situations. I bought a bag of DE for fleas and got it home and its brown, will this work for fleas or does it have to be the white DE? Its been 4 months and my 3 cats and 2 dogs have all been flea free. After the first hard freeze? Walmart doesnt sell DE at all. Im convinced and will try using this method to control fleas. So is that safe enough to use for fleas in the carpet? I put this on her and all in the yard and in the shop yesterday and the fleas are still all over the dog. Hey Joan! Absolutely, unless you have very small kittens (even this shouldnt be a major problem), its completely safe for your family and pets. I even give my kitties a flea bath. You may see one or two now and then but do not panicthey missed the powder somehow but they wont avoid it for long. If you visited the orange hardware store, they sell St. Gabriel online for about $11 a bag. So I started panicking! Yes, it takes a while for the flea dirts to go. I CANNOT HAVE FLEAS! After a few days, remove the cotton balls, then plug up any hole(s) that the bees may have been using as their entryway. Weve recently had some stray cats staying under our shed and have just noted a major infestation around, under, and inside of the shed. Hi Izzy! Food grade DE is sprinkled on vegetable and flower gardens, as well as within the home to prevent insect infestations. Is it safe to put this up on my upholstered bed that my kids and myself sleep on? my vet treated with a pill, and all seem to be dead however, i am convinced i need to treat my home to prevent any future problems. Hi Lisa, it can usually be avoided by brushing it slowly and no, it is not dangerous, it just makes a real big mess hehe. DE is not poisonous but keeping him off it will prevent a few issues. In higher quantities, crystalline silica (which is often the reason for the deficit) can cause toxicity and this needs to be avoided if you are going to be using it for flea control. Yea, Im that sick of them!! Thanks. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is an excellent insect killer that is both nontoxic and long-lasting. We also have shampoo. Its a pleasure! That form of diatomaceous earth is chemically treated and poses a risk to your respiratory system. Shd I have done the floors anyway? Hello there! We have had a terrible time with all sorts of bad bugs in our garden this year & I want to avoid this w/my fall crops & next spring. I am unsure about the moisture and the calcium bentonite. Thanks for all your support! Second? After digging around even further, it seems that it can even also be consumed in small quantities to deal with various ailments! I had a quick question: I have a house w/ a basement and have noticed fleas in both levels. box of food grade of DE 3 days ago I applied it as directed topically to our 4 dogs and my ferret with little to no affect at all it seems to not work , how many applications are you supposed to do and how long does it take to kill fleas ? Two days after I had gotten home, I noticed that I had been bitten by something. or will the DE kill the nematodes? Hi Julie, thanks for your wonderful comment, I really appreciate the time it took to write it up. A few days in i must have super fleas or something. Is it safe to put DE on my mattress and sheets and sleep with it on there? We did have a few questions that we cant seem to find answers for, though. Hi, Ive been adopted by a feral cat who hangs around outside. My friend suggested I might also find it useful in getting rid of roaches. Could you let me know how to tell the difference between pool grade and food grade DE? I just thought you would like to have some more information to pass on. An do I just sprinkle it around with my fingers or buy a sifter? Let me know how it goes! Hi Karen! Just in case the above-ground damage wasnt scary enough, Ill continue. Love the stuff, its natural and chemical free as long as you get the food grade. It was very informative even though Ive been researching DE for a few weeks. Good luck! I thought they would dry up the eggs and larvae too. Im waiting on my DE order to arrive and will dust their room again once it arrives. I currently have 3 cats and 1 dog living in my house. However, I do have a little granddog, who is a chihuahua, and comes over with my daughter & granddaughter about twice per month. Hope that helps, good luck! I am certain that this info will hugely benefit anyone reading it so thank you. I saw a comment above about garlic being toxic to dogs. Do you think I should have my husband cut all of it down and then spread DE within our yard and also on the outside?? I was just wondering if the DE washes out of things easily. I had a friend who got bedbugs from somebody giving them furniture, after months of chemicals from the store and 3 rounds of professional exterminators which they spent almost 2 thousand dollars, even getting new beds and still no help, they heard of diatomaceous earth and bought a 50 pound bag. Also check my article on flea traps . Ive seen a dramatic reduction in fleas. Since then we have moved so there could have been a few stragglers. But we are implementing DE on the floors, bedding, doorways and such. Thank you!! I seem to see some conflicting info about how long to leave the DE before vacuumingranging from 3 days to 1 week. Although diatomaceous earth is nontoxic to humans . Let me know how it goes! Hi, I was wondering if DE loses effectiveness after sitting, for like a week inside? Thank you, appreciate you helping Fancine. Its really as easy as that. I also think I used too much. I live in a rural area next to a creek so there is lots of brush and wooded area. If you buy from one of our links,we may earn a commission. DE is fine for them -internally in small amounts it will help keep them flea and parasite free..(.food grade only for pets and humans). Thanks, glad you liked it Yes you can use the food grade variation around your puppy, just dont use it ON your pets. I have used diatomaceous earth as an effective method of insect control for years (decades) I have a technique that I use for the application of it that I want to share. I got fleas about a year and a half ago., Now here is the problem, the fleas are living on my body.. The stray cat, Boo, is for the most part kept in our basement when he is inside, while the other cats are free to roam the house, but not the basement. Hi Darlene! So, I then treated the whole house, all 3 floors, with Borax. This condition makes the fleas die because of the dry out. Effective against slugs, beetles, worms, fleas, mites, and most any spider or insect, it is not much of a concern for larger creatures. Yesterday I vacuumed and washed all my bedding, and today I saw one sitting on my pillow after I woke up. Clearly, small amounts of less crystalline forms are safe, but when you walk into a home where it has been spread everywhere by the homeowner trying to kill fleas in carpet, I have major concerns, says Dryden. Hey Laura! Hi there, I just purchased the diatomaceous earth and wondered if I should get my dog a bath and flea dip before or after the process on the carpet. i.e. Are they dead fleas? Its safe to do so but it can dry your pets skin, thats why I dont recommend it. We all have computers, and Im a bit worried about the fridge as well. Im not sure which is the cause but my little friend is in bad shape. It is used to control slugs, millipedes, sowbugs, cockroaches, ants, and soft-bodied insects like aphids. Is that ok- also, I did not see it say good for humans or pets. I understand on my mattress and furniture I use a vacuum.cleaner. Hi Tara! Otherwise your timings and target areas is perfect, let me know how it goes .

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