flexible learning strategies in the new normal

If you want your students to be engaged, then you need to be engaged, too. This refers to a learning delivery modality where the students and the teacher are both physically present in the classroom, and there are opportunities for active engagement, immediate feedback, and the socio-emotional development of learners. Humans have always been good at adapting. This organic movement helps facilitate learning, as it allows students to naturally explore subjects through their own questions, ideas, previous knowledge and level of intelligence. Note that KWLs dont have to be graded. Even if you do record your lectures, students will appreciate having access to slides so that they can have more than one way to engage with the material. The ONE STI Learning Model is an educational framework that enables the students to continue their studies, move up to the next level, graduate, and seek employment amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. online learning. Indulging in their curiosity is a great way to keep the class under control while giving students a sense of freedom and subject choice. Moreover, learning may be put aside in these challenging times for Ukrainians and Europe. Despite the obvious benefits of online learning and what it can offer students, modern students will need to develop new learning strategies to navigate online education. Plan and Organize Thoughtfully. In class, the instructor forms heterogeneous sharing groups in which students share their different expertise and take the conversation to a deeper level for example, drawing upon all of the readings to develop a response to a complex problem. San Sebastian College-Recoletos de Cavite. page for other questions that you and your students may have. The Teaching and Learning in the New Normal Flexible learning as a delivery modality must be adapted in public and private higher education institutions, according to the CHED memorandum order no. Identify the most important concepts and material that students have missed so that you and your students can focus your time wisely. Be realistic about student need-to-knows.. Both educators and learners are coping with uncertainties and interruptions due to the pandemic. Why? Academic Technologies also offers this resource to help you. 1. Making sure the education system is ready to embrace the needs of todays young people is the key to a successful education. All of these seem very attractive, but they also mean that students also have a bigger responsibility for their future. Young people need to see that their needs are listened to, that they are allowed to learn at their own pace and that they are not compared to others learning paths. Students have been isolated, and now more than ever they need to feel connected. CAVITE: Incub8 Space, 2F Robertson Plaza, Centennial Road, Kawit, Cavite, 4104 Philippines, MANILA: DOST TOMASInno Center, G/F Bl. Add your recordings or slides to the Canvas module for each part of your course so that they are easy to locate and view within the context of other related work. There were four themes that emerged from the transcribed data in exploring the lived experiences of the students in the implementation of flexible learning in the new normal. Distance education lacks proximity with teachers and has its own set of unique challenges. The situation has upturned course schedules and attendance, disrupted teaching and learning . Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If a child cant learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn. Estrada Ignacio. Flexible assessment and student empowerment: advantages and disadvantagesresearch from an Australian university. of their learning for you to assess their achievement. Request an individual or unit consultation, Participate in a workshop or upcoming event, Getting the Most Out of Online Learning at Northeastern, setting students up for success in Canvas, increase the accessibility of your course materials. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a massive shift in the way we work, learn and connect with others. 3.1. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-006-9035-y, Wanner, T., Palmer, E., & Palmer, D. (2021). For example, a student who was absent during the first phase of a group project can take the lead on the final report. As an added benefit, you will gain more insight into the meaning they made of your talk. The COVID-19 pandemic taught us, if nothing else, that things are not as impossible as they seem. In addition, Canvas discussions make it possible for students to pose questions at any time of day, and you have control of when you respond. Encourage your students to set goals for each week. We describe Flexible Learning . Being able to schedule school efficiently while also focusing on your well-being shouldnt be a one-time thing. The flexible learning moulds the learner to plan their activities according to their interest and enthusiasm. Why Choose an International British Education, Scholarship for high school students practicing sports. In designing your synchronous sessions, think through the pedagogical value of each component . They will be better positioned to focus on their studies if you help connect them with support and offer flexibility in your course policies. - The learning pace. Flexible learning is a combination of digital and non-digital technology that ensures the continuity of inclusive and accessible education in the form of online, offline, or blended modes of . In fact, you can use this as an opportunity for students to learn and practice communicating explicitly with their groupmates about their intended contributions and availability. (See Canvas as Home Base for additional explanation.) If you make a KWL submission the criteria for having attended the class, both on-ground and online students will have equivalent accountability. For example: Create an opt-in peer system for students to support each other. If a certain student is lagging behind, then the algorithm can identify the areas where theyre failing and send an alert to the students Teacher or Trainer. Consider using the Canvas mail tool as the primary means for individual communication. This is why flexibility in learning is essential. Teachers also have the choice of time as far as flexible learning is concerned; they can also use different methods for learning. On the other hand, the algorithm could also be used to identify students who are excelling quickly. This would mean that students who are performing above average would be given the support they need to reach their full potential, instead of having to wait for their classmates to catch up. producing a journal entry that reflects on their week's learning. If there are a few remote students, have those who are remote form their own group if the class includes breakout discussions and group work. Focused on recalibrating its existing curriculum and processes in moving forward to the New Normal, the Faculty and Staff Development Committee (FSDC) of the University of Rizal System (URS) in collaboration with the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) conducted a webinar-workshop in this regard. Here, a combination of face-to-face and online distance learning is being implemented, where most of the learning activities may be done by students using online platforms, while class discussions may be held during periodic physical interactions in school. With these, may we respectfully invite you and your Sports Directors, Coaches, Athletes, and members of your HEI community to participate in our Sports Webinar Series 2 about "Transitioning Sports Development to the New Normal: Strategies in Online and Virtual Sports Coaching and Training under Flexible Learning" on June 24, 2020 (Wednesday . Asynchronous learning, on the other hand, means you can study at your own pace. It also enables students all over the world to begin their educational journey as a cohort . (2005).Understanding by design (2nd ed.). Being a teacher has never been easy, and only those that feel the call can make teaching possible. A leader without emotional flexibility is dismissive of others' concerns and emotions and shuts down discussion. Sometimes this activity connects one activity to the next one, and sometimes it emphasises something you need to strengthen, while sometimes, it just means a relaxing time to focus on the next class. Essentially, flexible teaching is accommodating of this curiosity, allowing lessons to have a much looser structure, letting discussions and thoughts play out and . . The Department of Education (DepEd), with its stakeholders and partners, has pushed for learning continuity and created various alternative learning modalities that go beyond the four walls of the classroom. Creating pairs or triad groups can help students form valuable connections with their peers, who can help with notes, questions, and course materials they may miss. Students may miss too much group work or other course experiences for them to realistically jump back in. In online distance learning, teachers will be responsible for facilitating synchronous sessions to students with a stable Internet connection through the use of video communication channels. Led by its president, Dr. Nancy Pascual, the WEBrightShop on Flexible Learning . If you record these sessions, they will be saved within Canvas so that all students have access to your advice and input. Set weekly goals and targets. More than ever, adaptability is essential for teachers as it makes them feel a part of the changing world, and it helps them grow and learn new things along with the growth and development of technology. If you are more comfortable speaking instead of writing out your notes, another option is to record audio summaries as a companion to the slides. Empowering faculty, engaging students in 'new normal'. Record synchronous class sessions, as appropriate. You could start by encouraging students to take part in online polls or real-time online knowledge tests. How do you want them to communicate with you if they cannot attend in person? Flexible learning comes with many benefits but also many challenges. Have all students submit their KWLs in Canvas. Our goal is to reach the remaining and most vulnerable 5% of children with no access to education in the region and support quality improvements in learning for . A 2020 Northeastern student survey found that one of the most valuable things instructors could do is check in briefly with students on how they are doing and ask them for feedback on how the class is going. It is the type of class that help learners get the most of it. It turned out to be the Batulao project of Phirst Park Homes Inc. (PPHI), a joint venture between Philippine Stock Exchange-listed Century Properties Group and Japanese conglomerate Mitsubishi Corp. OCs learning management system, OpenSpace, has been designed with student engagement at its core. Provide links to support resources such as, , letting students know that you value their health and wellbeing. You are also modeling agility in challenging circumstances! Higher education can remain relevant only by adopting new technologies and teaching strategies that provide the most flexibility to students. While this is a difficult task to accomplish, the answer to success is to be effective. Students who cannot attend in person will be more likely to maintain motivation if they have an opportunity to connect with others around coursework online, especially in the context of large classes. Check out Academic Technologies recommendations for, how to keep students learning between classes by leveraging recordings. In . https://www.ascd.org/books/understanding-by-design-expanded-2nd-edition?variant=103055, https://educationnorthwest.org/sites/default/files/resources/trauma-informed-practices-postsecondary-508.pdf, https://www.wiley.com/en-us/To+Improve+the+Academy%3A+Resources+for+Faculty%2C+Instructional%2C+and+Organizational+Development%2C+Volume+25-p-9781933371085, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-006-9035-y. For technical support while you are in the classroom, email requests for help with Teams, Zoom, or Panopto to, including the building name and room number in the subject line for rapid dispatch. The Learning Styles of the students are reflected in Table 3. Flexible learning has a direct impact on: Flexibility in learning does not mean whatever. Flexible learning is education with no such concepts as time, place or pace. It can be challenging to keep track of assignments and deadlines. The main benefit of synchronous learning is that youll have the support of others in the exact same situation as you. If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow. Alfie Kohn. 6 Strategies for Success in Distance Learning. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. However, the, The flexible learning environment helps both students and families have a less stressful life as it grants them the opportunity to continue their passions and follow their dreams. Behavioral: the physical behaviors required to complete the learning activity. In this article, I share these insights and provide four strategies for optimizing the student experience in synchronous sessions. Education needs to exhibit a certain degree of flexibility to become what most students look for and need in this global world. and upload all related materials for that unit into the module (e.g., links to readings, lectures, assignment information). Best practices for distance learning in 2020. This would signal to the Educator that this particular student needs help in a certain area, and the Educator can then work to help bridge that knowledge gap. While there is a course they base their teaching on, teachers offer each student the possibility to be a part of the classroom take on challenges and leadership roles. 04 series of 2020, to respond to the needs of learners in higher education institutions. Trauma-informed practices for postsecondary education: A guide. Students will learn more if you ask them to do something with the lecture materials, whether they are in class or accessing the materials online. The new normal for education requires us to unlearn what we have always known: rows of desks, heavy bags, mass lectures, public exams, and (broken) parent-teacher communication. . Students may then ask assistance from their teachers via phone call or text message, and where permitted, teachers can also conduct periodic visitations among students homes. It may not be possible for your students to attend class in person for example if they need to quarantine after contact with someone who has COVID-19. Why? Such a demand on the teacher requires sophisticated usage of technology in a combination of personalized, blended and online learning. (. This means you as the Teacher need to lead by example and set expectations. The average Australian is likely to change jobs once every 3 years or so. Educational Psychology Review, 19(1), 3147. Effective distance learning starts with connectivity. The purpose of introducing these new teaching strategies and methods is to improve academic outcomes and address real problems to promote equitable . At the same time, an emotionally adaptive leader moves the change or agenda forward. How group dynamics research can inform the theory and practice of postsecondary small group learning. The Learning Styles of the Students. Why? If your learners or you need to go into isolation unexpectedly, or need to care for loved ones, they may temporarily encounter issues with poor wireless connection. Flexible teaching does not mean there is no strategy attached to it. Students will appreciate this expanded range of opportunities to connect with you. BOX769. https://t.co/5Stl4ZwNxd https://t.co/GligOG0G1a, Goal Setting: How to Set Yourself Up For Success: https://t.co/aJitaLNYpm https://t.co/K5WFrlA74W. Being a flexible teacher means having the capacity to respond to your students needs, abilities and interests. Colleges and universities in the Philippines will not go back any more to the "old normal" of face-to-face classes. However, besides this, it can also work towards developing teachers and making them feel a bigger fulfilment of their work while seeing students be more engaged in the classroom. In this mode, students are given the option to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in physical form which could be delivered by school personnel to their stakeholders' homes. a grade lower than B were 1.67 times higher (95% CI 1.24, 2.26;p< 0.001), regardless of the course.. Imperfections such as barking dogs in the background will make you seem more approachable. Switching to an online learning environment can be tough for some students. As an alternative to regular schooling, the practice of parents serving as educational facilitators to their children is seen to have been widely accepted over the recent years. A flexible curriculum is open, versatile and responsive to an evolving student population, and to changes in circumstances that may require adaptations to the timetable or delivery format to accommodate student availability, for instance, blended learning. (Promoting equality of opportunity through flexible learning, University of Birmingham inclusive learning environment profile, http://flexiblelearningsep.pbworks.com/w/page/93674297/Birmingham%20University ). Flexibility can offer them the option to choose the best methods that prepare them for life. Choose The Right Learning Platform To Enable It. A 2017 research study by the National Bureau of Economic Research in the US confirmed that students performed just . You can connect students with each other via email or an online spreadsheet. These are located in the emerging urban areas of Tanza, Cavite; Lipa City, Batangas; San Pablo City, Laguna; Pandi, Bulacan; Calamba City, Laguna; Nasugbu, Batangas; and Magalang, Pampanga. They may have missed graduations, been separated from friends, and lost loved ones. The Flexible Learning Strategies for Out of School Children programme is a UNESCO initiative with the aim of supporting inclusive and quality education for every child in the region. Consider revising your attendance policies to provide a pathway for students who may need to be in quarantine. Through the use ofmachine learning and algorithms, its possible to track how students are progressing. This publication can help educators, researchers, and practitioners solve their challenges and organize their work in emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. After some experience, you can start to deliver the expected course to your students. How does flexible learning affect students? Flexible online classes are an excellent opportunity for active students that want to follow their passions while also keeping up with their education. Why? A flexible education is an education that: Makes the most of the use of technology to provide remote or online study; Offers the chance of work-based learning and employer engagement; It gives the student the possibility of part-time education; Has both the accelerated or decelerated programmes for students to choose from; Can adapt to distance, blended learning, online learning or hybrid learning. Academic Technologies has created instructions on, how to create a Zoom meeting for a single student, how to create a one-on-one meeting with a student in Teams. Its no longer common for people to commit to the same career path for their entire working life, and people now have the freedom to change careers when it suits them. 7. Modular Distance Learning. Since the pandemic began, nearly all schools in the country have shifted to flexible learning options as a way of coping with the quarantine protocols implemented by the government. Attempting to incorporate another teacher's style will not always work. Continue distance learning modalities when schools reopen 12 3. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. To Improve the Academy, 25(1), 207-224.https://www.wiley.com/en-us/To+Improve+the+Academy%3A+Resources+for+Faculty%2C+Instructional%2C+and+Organizational+Development%2C+Volume+25-p-9781933371085, Sweet, M., & Michaelsen, L. K. (2007). Flexible Learning is the appropriate design and delivery of programs, courses, and learning interventions that address these kinds of situations in the new normal. Flexible learning allows time flexibility. Mobile-first design. Educational institutions have adopted some of this digital transformation, too, using cutting edge tech to offer world-class . 1. If your course involves in-class lectures, students who cannot attend class will be able to access this critical component of your course if you post presentations online. Starting with a free plan, teachers may already enjoy access to a vast collection of teaching resources which could help them practice their profession anytime and anywhere. These cookies do not store any personal information. Parents choosing this flexible learning option may partner with a regular school and have the knowledge of their children credited using the standards of that school for the issuance of a certificate of completion or diploma. For some education facilities, remote learning has been a reality for many years, and the COVID 19 situation just made it a necessity and not a choice. Teaching in Higher Education, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2021.1989578, Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. Flexible learning refers to the combination of different methods of teaching, including the use of online platforms and digital or printed modules. At the same time, an emotionally adaptive leader moves the change or agenda forward KWL submission the criteria having...: flexibility in your course policies respond to the pandemic 3 years or so for their future in these times... Students a sense of freedom and subject choice for life you will gain more insight into the module (,. 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