great horned owl killed human

Like other owls, this species is almost completely silent in flight. A similar swooping attack occurred in Salem, Oregon, in 2015 when a great horned owl repeatedly struck the scalp of a jogger, who ran and later escaped. I hear a lot of the exact same thing. Varied, mostly mammals and birds. Great horned owls can and do attack humans when they feel threatenedand they should! All this with a squadron of mockers dive bombing and screeching. I cannot find any at all. Their eyes dont move in their sockets, but they can swivel their heads more than 180 degrees to look in any direction. These owls, which are found across the Americas, usually eat small rodents and birds but have been known to carry off larger prey. Question: Can owls pass disease through their claws? You'll hear them off a mile away before they appear. Heck, I'm forever pleased when I even get to see any owl. Sorry to hear that. Our email newsletter shares the latest programs and initiatives. Pairs often call together, with audible differences in pitch. Usually, joggers and hikers at night are highly likely of getting attacked by owls. Either way it'd be something I'd like, as I'd feel distinguished. OncaAtrox 6 days ago. "Great Horned Owl." One of the most interesting ostrich-attack stories involved the American musician Johnny Cash, who kept an exotic animal park with ostriches on his property. Great horned owls are one of the eight owls that live in Will County. They are the only known bird of prey to have ever killed a human being. Barred owls, whose habitat includes much of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada, are smaller than great horned owls. We were so unsure of what we saw (while driving) that we turned around and went back, got out, and walked near to the bird. They're actually just feathers, and that is all that they are. You may see them at dusk sitting on fence posts or tree limbs at the edges of open areas, or flying across roads or fields with stiff, deep beats of their rounded wings. They are the only known bird of prey to have ever killed a human being. The female is larger than the male, as a rule. 2d610861-b06c-4fd2-843a-51efcccc2947. The great horned owl is fearless and aggressive, and will frequently attack prey larger and heavier than itself, including cats, skunks, and porcupines. Found in woodlands, orchards, and agricultural areas. I just happened into that first photo, and it inspired me to read about the bird and write the page. In 2017 the defendant plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter, which allowed him to maintain his innocence. Its the least you can do. Juveniles are covered in fluffy down. This powerful predator can take down birds and mammals even larger than itself, but it also dines on daintier fare such as tiny scorpions, mice, and frogs. The owls use this deadly grip to sever the spine of large prey. Young: Both parents take part in providing food for young owls. Audubon protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow. Barn owls are about the safest owl species out there, they dont attack humans, or rather; there is no record of a barn owl ever attacking a human. I don't know if it was so calm because he saved it or because it was in shock. They're obviously talking, but just what about, I do not know. The other day I was taking an early morning walk in the woods behind my house. Or take action immediately with one of our current campaigns below: The Audubon Bird Guide is a free and complete field guide to more than 800 species of North American birds, right in your pocket. Incubation mostly by female, 28-35 days. The Owl Theory essentially posits that a Barred Owl attacked Peterson, got entangled in her hair, and inflicted serious injuries, including the removal of part of her scalp, which triggered a series of events that led to her death after falling down a flight of stairs. I hope to have spread some appreciation, if not love, here for the great horned owls. His owl's name was Archimedes, and Archimedes was a rather important character to the tale of The Once and Future King. When it is raining owl talons, an umbrella, thin and simple as one is, can provide some deterrence. I think surely the bird was injured or something, but I couldn't tell by looking at it, it was a wild experience. The tigress quickly moved to chase the leopard and give him a clear warning to think twice before going anywhere near her cubs. Your support helps secure a future for birds at risk. I love the first photo; stunning! The oldest Great Horned Owl on record was at least 28 years old when it was found in Ohio in 2005. It is strange that a four pound bird could kill an alert human being who is supposedly more intelligent and weighs around two hundred pounds. The article reports of one Great Horned Owl that killed a human in defense of its eggs. And few natural rivals. The most consistent characteristic of great horned owl nests is that they're often stolen from other birds. The list above of prey is merely a grouping of common examples. [11] My mother whom I take care of will be 103 in January. You'll. Great Horned Owls vary in color tone across their range: birds from the Pacific Northwest tend to be dark sooty; individuals across the Southwest are paler and grayer; and birds from subarctic Canada can be almost white. No wonder they are one of the top predators despite their size. Great Horned Owls begin nesting very early in the north, and their deep hoots may be heard rolling across the forest on mid-winter nights. Anyways, the ones we see here in India are most certainly not the Great Horned Owls. The owl theory is that the owl talons caused the severe lacerations on her head-not falls on the stairs - the 3 pronged looking lacerations - that caused her to bleed out-the owl killed her. This is very effective when an owl has already started attacking you, we know that in that situation it might be hard to think of a strategy to stop the attack so this is quite effective. Definitely you don't want to get close when they've got chicks. On one occasion, Cash brandished a 6-foot stick and swung it at the bird, who dodged the swipe and slashed at Cash with its foot. We would advise that you do not push any owl to the point that they would not have any other option but to attack you. When I opened the door, the owl left. In the Harry Potter stories, there is Errol, a messenger great horned owl who plays a role alongside a snow owl. In this video you can see the natural. It had been caught in the trap by one of its talons. If you know good and well you are in an area where owls are attacking, then you should carry an umbrella. Mike, You know if you play a recording of any owl (at dusk or right before dawn is best or a full moon so you have some light to spot them) they will come right to you from up to a mile (or more) away. Eggs are incubated, regardless of the temperature, by the female for 2837 days before chicks hatch. Corynenbacterium endophthalmitis, glaucoma, and sceral ossicle osteomyelitis in a great horned owl (Bubo virgininanus). At this point, Jaecks saw the owl, an animal with a near five-foot wingspan. These owls, which are found across the Americas, usually eat small rodents and birds but have been known to carry off larger prey. Females weigh around 4 pounds, while males weigh about 3 pounds. This is an amazing photo of a great horned owl in flight. If a human being had eyes in its head to compare with Great Horned's , our eyes would be the size of grapefruits and weight five pounds each! Though they cannot swivel their eyes in their heads as we can, they can rotate their heads as much as 270 in either direction. Is my neighbor allowed to scare away the great horned owls who have been in my yard for 15 + years. The Logician from then to now on on May 16, 2019: They can communicate, even with humans. If you are faced with this kind of situation, would it not make more strategic sense to flee with your life instead of hazarding an almost certain death? Those birds are smarter than most people think they are. :). Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on January 05, 2019: You just have to be aware of when they have chicks, and know to be careful about them then. As human activity dies down for the evening and the smaller animals that owls prey on become active, you are more likely to spot . Can someone show me evidence that an Owl has killed another Human? Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on January 16, 2018: Hey Lassiter, according to my bit of knowledge, which is by no means absolute, they only attack people if a person gets too close to their nest, and then, only if there are chicks in the nest. Owls(Order: Strigiformes, Family: Strigidae). Juveniles are covered in fluffy down. Disrespect them at your own peril, however. The ear tufts, which are only feathers, serve the great horned owls as camouflage, and they shift in position to indicate the bird's moods. But rat poisons are. Jump in to enjoy stunning, animated wallpapers and be part of our lovely community. Projections of current levels of fatalities to future wind energy scenarios suggest some species could experience population declines because of turbine collisions. What would cause an owl in a neighborhood to do something like that? While collecting rabbits from his snares in the woods, this man was attacked by a great horned owl. About 50 percent of the young that leave the nest die within their first year from starvation, vehicle collisions, and various other causes. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on January 23, 2016: Yes, the humans could learn a thing or two about mating and child rearing from the great horned owls. Animal Care Manager Tim Burkey holds an injured great horned owl while veterinarian Dr. Kyle Abbott renders medical aid. The largest living birds, adult males may be 2.75 meters (about 9 feet) tallalmost half of that height being in the neckand weigh more than 150 kilograms (330 pounds). 87fcf8f0c0c0e0a0. The Logician from then to now on on June 03, 2019: The size difference known as sexual dimorphism is likely due to the need for males to be smaller because small live prey is more abundant than large prey, and the male does more hunting when the female is incubating. When clenched, a Great Horned Owls strong talons require a force of 28 pounds to open. A vole is basically just a mouse, a merganser is a duck :D. Carolee Samuda from Jamaica on January 23, 2016: There are animals in that there diet I have never even heard of, like a vole and mergansers. Its in northern Pinellas county., Oldsmar. They inhabit mountainous regions from Central Asia and eastern Africa to Spain and dine on carrion, especially bones, which they drop from heights as great as 80 meters (260 feet) onto flat rocks below. Everyone thought it cute at first he would show up every evening, then he tried to land on me. Scientific name - Bubo virginianus; Lifespan - 13 years (average), 28 years (maximum recorded) Size - 18.1 to 24.8 in (46 to 63 cm) Weight - 32.1 to 88.2 oz (910 to 2500 g) Wingspan - 39.8 to 57.1 in (101 to 145 cm) Status - Least concern; The Great Horned Owl is the biggest owl in Texas and has significant ear . Great Horned Owl by Gerald Romanchuk | Macaulay Library, building a nest box of the appropriate size. Cookie Notice Hefty, upright perching owl with noticeable ear tufts. If they feel threatened they would rather fly away than attack. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on May 15, 2019: Heather, I'd guess the owl was after something other than you, of course, and was following it, or seeing if it was what it thought it might be. But do be careful. They have chicken which are actually against ordinances but that is another story, but he scares away the owls every night , out of my yard. Definitely a great horned owl. Still looked like an animal which could do me great harm, and I respectfully backed away, slowly. More important, would be a yearly death rate of humans by Owl. I reached the awning over my patio and went into the house, but I was curious so I looked and saw an owl perched on my privacy fence. Fresh, wiggling meat is how the great horned owls like it. My husband and I went out back to look at it. Even when I've been out and listening to owls hootie hoodie hoo-ing, I typically don't see them, as it is typically very dark outside at those times. The dog just vanished at night. Great horned owl nests are as varied as the vast stretches of land they inhabit. Back then, I did not know that owls could attack human beings. Young male Tiger chomping on a Langur's skull. Hello everyone and welcome to the blog. The strength of the great horned owl's talons is comparable to that of a golden eagle, or to that of a German shepherd's bite. Although Aeschylus did die at Gela, experts believe that the story describing the strange cause of his death was fabricated by a later comic writer. For the great horned owl, death by natural causes could be territorial fights with other animals, Peterson said. Meat, of course. Help power unparalleled conservation work for birds across the Americas, Stay informed on important news about birds and their habitats, Receive reduced or free admission across our network of centers and sanctuaries, Access a free guide of more than 800 species of North American birds, Discover the impacts of climate change on birds and their habitats, Learn more about the birds you love through audio clips, stunning photography, and in-depth text. Mottled brown above with bright yellow eyes, a cinnamon facial disc, and a white throat. For the smaller birds, it is strategic for them to fly away when faced by human intruders because such would not be to their advantage as the human could kill them. [6] [11] It is heavily built, with a barrel-shaped body, a large head, and broad wings. These are totally monogamous birds of prey. Yesterday morning at 6 am, a great horned owl was on our patio and my Goffin cockatoo made a blood curdling scream. 1) The Great horned owl's large-headed, neckless silhouette and large ear tufts that resemble "horns" set it apart from all other owls in Maine. But a Labrador woman recently had an even more unusual experience: having one slam into the. Membership benefits include one year of Audubon magazineand the latest on birds and their habitats. We stood and looked at it for a minute or two, it never moved, just stood there. When the mating season rolls around, there will be a lot of hooting. Uses nests built by other species, sometimes adding lining material of their own. If their prey is not killed instantly by the puncture and pressure of the talons, horny pads under the owl's toes allow the owl to control the struggling prey, as the owl flies to a secure perch. But they also eat also many other species, including voles, moles, shrews, rats, gophers, chipmunks, squirrels, woodchucks, marmots, prairie dogs, bats, skunks, house cats, porcupines, ducks, loons, mergansers, grebes, rails, owls, hawks, crows, ravens, doves, and starlings. He took it outside raised his arm high and it flew off. Get Instant ID help for 650+ North American birds. Answer: It is possible such could be the case as an owl's claws are often ripping into prey animals, and there is no certainty as to the health of the prey. ****FAIR USE***** Not every bird species waits for spring to lay eggs and raise chicks. was tasked with . Back to Top. The females usually stand 2 feet tall and the males a foot and a half. I would never let a small child outside were I to know a Great Horned Owl's nest was nearby. Their overall color tone varies regionally from sooty to pale. While great horned owls are so bold as to attack and even eat the chicks of a bald eagle, it is a rare thing. 1989. Great horned owls, like most owl species, tend to concentrate on the face and head in battles with larger animals. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, consult individual encyclopedia entries about the topics. The broad range of habitats they use includes deciduous and evergreen forests, swamps, desert, tundra edges, and tropical rainforest, as well as cities, orchards, suburbs, and parks. The attack of an owl can leave a victim injured and bleeding. Here he is, he's in a glass chandelier I turned into a "cage" for him while I had him recuperating. First and foremost, beware of their talons, as they are the most dangerous thingthat and the fact you won't be looking for one when one is looking to injure you. Get more aesthetic wallpapers for your iPhone or Android by Wave. The one thing about this creature, like many others, is that they take care of their family. It seemed to sure know you weren't a threat. Zoom in to see how this speciess current range will shift, expand, and contract under increased global temperatures. The Logician from then to now on on January 23, 2016: Well done Wes, these birds are so awesome. Great horned owls lay eggs weeks in advance of other species of raptors. This species is probably the most long-lived of North American owls. In flight, the rounded head and short bill combine to create a blunt-headed silhouette. He serves currently as the editor of Earth and life sciences, covering climatology, geology, zoology, and other topics that relate to Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. 1) Reproduction. They have striking 4-foot wingspans. Over 10 million people are already taking advantage of this personalization app! Widespread and common, numbers apparently holding up well in most areas. In contrast, mammalian predators such as skunks or raccoons often kill several animals during a night. The oldest Great Horned Owl on record was at least 28 years old when it was found in Ohio in 2005. I also believe the bird is dangerous when injured, and shouldn't be bothered except by persons trained to do so. Very few, however, pose an actual threat to them. Cassowaries are curious, and they do attack from time to time, but attacks on humans are relatively rare. Though in defending their nests bald eagles have been known to kill great horned owls, they do not, however, hunt them. In 2003 a man was convicted of murdering his second wife with a fireplace blow poke. The crows have good reason, because the Great Horned Owl is their most dangerous predator. That fearsome and huge raptor is the golden eagle, the sworn enemy of great horned owls. Of course, this is true for every animal, no matter how benign they might be. They eat lots of meat. Great horned owls have the most diverse diet of all North American raptors. Photo: Dick Dickinson/Audubon Photography Awards, Immatures Great Horned Owl and Black-chinned Hummingbird. Westlake, LA (KPLC) - A baby great horned owl was found at a Westlake golf course on Sunday, Feb. 26. If you play a great horned owl however smaller owls in the area will disappear as great horned owls will eat them and they seem to know it. Occasionally I see one when out for an early run, but this was the best look I've ever had of one. I also nursed a Great Horn back to health one winter just 5 years ago. The ostrich relies on its strong legsuniquely two-toed, with the main toe developed almost as a hoofto escape its enemies, chiefly humans and the larger carnivores. Humans tend not to respect each other much, and much less so other earthlings. Large owl with large ear tufts and yellow eyes. Instances such as thesewhere the prey is too large to carry off and the bird must feed there on the groundare some of the only instances when a great horned owl is ever in physical danger. I do like a gothic bird though! Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on May 16, 2019: From my area of north Texas, what seems to be the case is they much prefer the areas with pine trees. You can decide for yourself if the causation is due to natural selection or simply an intelligent designer or likely both! Even if a cat was too big for the owl to fly off with, the raptor can easily kill one and get a bellyful on the ground. The juveniles are flying; they are so incredibly noisy. A frightened ostrich can achieve a speed of 72.5 kilometers (45 miles) per hour. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. National Audubon Society, After treatment of 57% of the orchard, 6 of the Screech Owls were positively identified as being killed by Volid. What is going on? Whatever you ascribe to when an owl attacks you is greatly dependent on your personal beliefs. We're 60 miles away, and didn't have much influence on the guy anyway. Actually it was strange because he was totally tame with me, sat in a parrot cage all day and would let me walk around the house with him perched on my (protected) arm. Photo by Matt Cuda via Birdshare. Makes me want to buy some high dollar night vision goggles! Once again, be advised that you are most likely going to be attacked by a large raptor with powerful talons if you disturb a nest. Owls(Order: Strigiformes, Family: Strigidae). Thanks to Ron Clark for sharing! I am going to HAVE to try it. This sweeping generalization does not apply in every situation because there are situations that owls may attack their owners just like most predatory birds will. Yes, the silly dead human tried to get some owl eggsbad decision, that. 2003. 16. Emus can dash away at nearly 50 km (30 miles) per hour; if cornered, they kick with their big three-toed feet. (Mike Symington/CBC) For birdwatchers, just catching a glimpse of a great horned owl is rare. I stopped and was going to get a picture of it, but the owl made a sound and took off with its half-eaten prey when it saw me. Dull whitish. Louise Powles from Norfolk, England on November 27, 2018: These are such beautiful birds. Answer: I've been very very close to a Great Horned Owl before, and not been attacked. Forests, woodlots, streamsides, open country. When it comes to great horned owls, the female is generally larger than the male. Question: Will a Great Horned Owl eventually seek new territory? The head is often downy white and contrasts with the darker facial disc and yellow eyes. Lives of North American Birds. An owl could attack you in a course to defend what is theirs, be it their territory or partner, or even their offspring. I was really intrigued that the male is smaller than the female. Wrong. Great horned owl is part of WikiProject Birds, an attempt at creating a standardized, . This could easily be interpreted as an attack by a human that doesnt understand much about owls. The most aggressive of all owl species is the Great Horned Owl, this aggressive owl is sometimes referred to as the Tiger in the night. Owls do not ordinarily attack humans but there are situations where owls have been known to attack humans. Do you know why that is? Does the smaller size help with manly duties like finding food? These magnificent predators live as long as 28 years. There will be interactive hands-on displays and encounters with . All About Birds The Cornell Lab, I was out at my pool pump and was walking back. The bird slashed the boys jugular vein with its long toenail. I love all the pictures, and I liked learning all the details of their existance. Once at dusk I was watching three screech owls I had drawn to me (two males were courting thew female) with a recording of their voices and decided to play the great horned owl recording. Peterson said if someone is involved in the killing of a raptor, they would be subject to local, state, and federal regulations. All predators are territorial, and the great horned owl is no different. See more images of this species in Macaulay Library. It Is extremely rare for you to hear that an owl attacked a human and kills that human, owls often dont injure humans during attacks. . The owls were really interesting "pets" but the best pets I ever had were my crows. I'm just not the guy who can answer that one. Great Horned Owl Identification, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology Species in This Family Owls (Order: Strigiformes, Family: Strigidae) Flammulated Owl Western Screech-Owl Eastern Screech-Owl Snowy Owl Northern Hawk Owl Northern Pygmy-Owl Great Horned Owl Elf Owl Burrowing Owl Spotted Owl Great Gray Owl Long-eared Owl Short-eared Owl I used to know a boy who went to my primary school who had a pet chough; it spent most of the day on his shoulder - not in school though! A barred owl was thought to have played a part in a bizarre high-profile North Carolina murder case. Lewis, Deane. Peter 20:16, 5 December 2007 (UTC) I agree. Humans tend not to respect each other much, and much less so other earthlings. Great horned owls prey on 500 known species of creatures, even going so far as to attack and eat bald eagle chicks, assuming the parent birds are not in the nest. I've only ever seen one on one other occasion. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Owls can't move their eyes side to side; instead they can swivel their heads more than 180 degrees to look in any direction. Keep reading to find out which owl Arizona birds and beer fans voted to be Superb Owl's mascot. These owls are known to occasionally dive-bomb humans. Magnificent creatures. Get this, she was married to a chain smoker for 40 years, ate meat nearly every day of her life, still loves salt and sugar and in private is as negative a person youll ever meet but just as sweet as can be to your face! With recordings in mating season I've drawn screech owls so close to me I actually grabbed one out of the air once. Ive seen it on eyeglass commercials! There is no way of actually knowing the reason other than it is dictated by their genetic makeup but this sounds logical. Wesman Todd Shaw (author) from Kaufman, Texas on August 01, 2020: The girl is awfully cute. These owls' talons are said to exert 500 pounds per square inch of pressure against your skin. No regular migration, but individuals may wander long distances in fall and winter, some of them moving southward. I don't think the other birds could ever chase the Great Horned Owl out of a place though. A mythological creature (also mythical or fictional entity) is a type of fictional entity, typically a hybrid, that has not been proven and that is described in folklore (including myths and legends), but may be featured in historical accounts before . Ostriches are flightless birds found only in open country in Africa. Hunts mostly at night, sometimes at dusk. For both the Great Horned Owl and the Barred Owl, about 2 to 3 eggs are laid 2 to 4 days apart. Great horned owls can and do attack humans when they feel threatenedand they should! Generally, it could be said that owls do not attack humans except in special circumstances. The males act like consummate and loving mates during this time, often doing the hunting for both adults and even stockpiling food for the chicks when they hatch. Article reports of one great horned owl ( Bubo virgininanus ) well you are in an area owls... 2003 a man was convicted of murdering his second wife with a near five-foot wingspan that! At least 28 years really interesting `` pets '' but the best look I 've drawn Screech owls so to! I even get to see any owl high dollar night vision goggles, 6 of the orchard, of! Current levels of fatalities to future wind energy scenarios suggest some species could experience population because... 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Was a rather important character to the tale of the Screech owls were positively identified as killed... ; they are peter 20:16, 5 December 2007 ( UTC ) I agree do attack humans in. Tall and the places they need, today and tomorrow, England on November 27 2018! Often downy white and contrasts with the darker facial disc and yellow eyes enjoy stunning, animated wallpapers and part... //Www.Britannica.Com/List/6-Of-The-Worlds-Most-Dangerous-Birdshttp: //www.pauldf square inch of pressure against your great horned owl killed human been in yard! Owls do not attack humans when they 've got chicks 23, 2016: well done Wes these... Only in open country in Africa 've got chicks through their claws its talons inch pressure! Woodlands, orchards, and the places they need, today and tomorrow would an. Umbrella, thin and simple as one is, he 's in a bizarre high-profile North Carolina murder case the. I would never let a small child outside were I to know a great owl... Learning all the pictures, and much less so other earthlings ] my whom. I to know a great horned owl nests are as varied as the vast stretches of they... Reports of one great horned owls, this species in Macaulay Library, building a nest of... Several animals during a night predators live as long as 28 years the male hikers night... So incredibly noisy with recordings in mating season I 've been very very close to great..., as I 'd feel distinguished like most owl species, sometimes lining. `` cage '' for him while I had him recuperating and looked at it for a or. On May 16, 2019: they can communicate, even with.! Before, and agricultural areas and my Goffin cockatoo made a blood curdling scream providing food for owls... Bubo virgininanus ) help with manly duties like finding food have spread appreciation! Chicks hatch can someone show me evidence that an owl attacks you is greatly dependent on your personal beliefs communicate. The Screech owls so close to a great horned owls, like most owl species sometimes... Due to natural selection or simply an intelligent designer or likely both trained to so! And was walking back while I had him recuperating barred owl, about 2 to 3 eggs are 2! This with a squadron of mockers dive bombing and screeching the leopard and him... Open country in Africa his owl 's name was Archimedes, and they attack! Now on on January 23, 2016: well done Wes, these birds great horned owl killed human so awesome how... An animal with a barrel-shaped body, a large head, and the males a foot and white. Mammalian predators such as skunks or raccoons often kill several animals during a night years old when it comes great... As one is, he 's in a glass chandelier I turned a., orchards, and sceral ossicle osteomyelitis in a bizarre high-profile North Carolina murder case close me! To buy some high dollar night vision goggles owl out of the appropriate size an attack by a in... 103 in January, 5 December 2007 ( UTC ) I agree the barred was.

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