how long do long haired hamsters live

Its a common misconception for many pet owners to believe that their hamster should live longer than 4 years, since this is the average lifespan of some other small pets. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Their internal rhythms regulate biological and behavioral processes such as reproduction, orientation, and hibernation. 2010. Nature is ingenious and because hamsters are small, they can be vulnerable in the wild therefore, hamsters become fertile at a young age, producing several litters to ensure species survival. There is plenty of data available on the potential of genetic problems dependent on anything from the hair color of some hamsters to breed-specific issues. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. In captivity, Syrian Hamsters can live up to a maximum of four years, but most live for around two years. Fecal matter on the tail, rumps, or belly of the hamster is an indication of wet tail disease, whereas thinning or balding of the coat is linked to certain skin diseases and systemic conditions. There are plenty of alternative hamster-safe treats that you can use to spoil your long-haired hamster. Mercks Veterinary Manual states that the average length of a Syrian hamster is 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm); therefore, according to the formula, long-haired Syrian hamsters should weigh between 4 to 8 oz (110 to 226 g). Genetics are also beyond your control. Its also thought that diet changes are worth a try scientists advocate a combination of fat and protein [either high or low levels] fed to hamsters at an early age can support longevity. Find outmore about the hamster life cycle, Giving them a nice, clean home If you can afford it, we recommend investing in a spacious and high quality hamster cage, like, Looking out for signs of illness and treating any problems quickly and effectively, Generally taking good care of them and keeping them healthy and happy. I want a hamster (a robo) REALLY bad. It's worth mentioning here that the Wild European Hamster can live for up to 8 years. However, data scientifically gathered from zoo collections puts the maximum lifespan of a striped dwarf hamster at 5.3 years. Do Long-Haired Hamsters Need A Companion? For example, shortly after obtaining a pet hamster (usually around 3-10 weeks), they may get diarrhea associated with stress. WebSyrian hamsters can live in captivity for 32 to 34 months. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Pre-emptive veterinary care may prevent problems from arising regular checks are recommended. Let us know how old they are in the comments below! At five days, they start to grow fur. In 2018, UK hamster lovers submitted a petition in an attempt to legally enforce a minimum cage size of 20 x 31 (i.e., 620 in2) for long-haired Syrian hamsters. Hamster diets may include 5-20 percent fat from high-energy foods like peanuts and sunflower seeds. Neurobiology of Aging published a study that examined ways to prolong mammals lives. So, its important to find out: how long do hamsters live? A 2007 study examined the effect of four different cage sizes on stress levels in 60 Syrian female hamsters. Here are some things to consider. Although the average lifespan is 2 to 2.5 years, there are several factors that may influence how long a hamster will live. Watch out for reduced activity, and less interest in food and/or treats. A stressed hamster may exhibit repetitive behavior, biting or hair loss. Give them enough space to move freely. Please refresh the page and try again. Gattermann, et al (2008), Golden hamsters are nocturnal in captivity but diurnal in nature, Biology Letters, Vol. The longest hamster lived for 4.5 years, according to Guinness World Records. Many owners are tempted to bathe and brush their long-haired hamsters. Always try and tailor it to your hamsters specific needs. Near death? Hope she was happy. From longest to shortest, the following are the average lifespans of the five most popular hamster species: Roborovski Hamster: 3 to 3.5 years Syrian Hamster: 2 to 2.5 years Before this hamsters may be not survive. Certain foods such as iceberg lettuce, peanuts and citrus fruits should also be avoided to keep your hamster healthy. Copyright 2021, all rights reserved. Like most things, there are no guarantees that your hamster will live strictly within the average timescale. Situate the hamster enclosure dependent on the needs of your hamster. Hamsters are often thought, Spotting a suspicious-looking lump or bump on your beloved hamster pal can be frightening. Feels warm and is not stiff. Many long-haired hamsters learn to tolerate being handled, and some even learn to enjoy cuddling with their owners. Life Expectancies for 10 Popular Unique Pets, Parents Guide to Selecting a Small Pet for Children. Many factors affect a hamsters life span, they include; Quality of care. Mitchell, Sandra. (Image credit: Getty Images) It is also good to provide enrichment and stimulation for your hamster by adding tubes, exercise wheels, pipes, shelters, and caves to their cage. Hamsters live for 2-3 years in captivity. It is of course possible for a Roborovski hamster to only live for 1.5 years, or fora Chinese hamster tolive for over 3 years. How long do hamsters live? Make sure their enclosures are clean. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The most common hamster species is the Syrian, also known as the golden hamster. She was the one hamster ? As mentioned above, theres some variation depending on the species of hamster, but when it comes to those who are domesticated, the average hamster life span is between two and three years. Like most things, there are no guarantees that your hamster will live strictly within the average timescale. If you are unfamiliar with these kinds of Most pet hamsters only tend to live between 1.5 to 4 years. WebUsually a hamster will live for about 2-3 years at most. While hamsters may not live as long as other pets such as cats or dogs, these fun little critters can still make wonderful companions for any household. However they have a shorter average life expectancy than pet hamsters as their young are often killed by predators. Cute Guinea Pig Names 200 Unique Names To Choose From, Cow Names Over 400 Amazing Names For Your Cattle, Miedel, E., VMD; Hankenson, F.C., DVM.,,,,,,,, 22 Hamster Pros And Cons To Help You Decide. The bad news is, you will most likely have the company of your hamster for just a few short years. Male hamsters become sexually mature at 8-9 weeks. Hamsters dont live as long as other animals as their bodies cant maintain biological processes as effectively as larger mammals. Experienced owners of long-haired hamsters know that access to a good sand bath is paramount to maintaining a long-haired hamsters coat in good condition. However, the lifespan varies depending on the type of hamster and ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 years. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Make sure you know the best ways to keep your hamster happy, including researching the best hamster cages and toys for your pocket pal, as well as providing the best nutrition and knowing the signs of stress in hamsters. Disclaimer: does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Hamsters live for 2-3 years in captivity. If youre thinking about keeping a hamster, one of the main things to think about is how long do hamsters live? Try to provide your hamsters with stress-free living conditions. As mentioned above, theres some variation depending on the species of hamster, but when it comes to those who are domesticated, the average hamster life span is between two and three years. Whereas the Chinese Dwarf has the shortest lifespan, living a little under 2 years. Mayer, J. and Donnelly, T. Elsevier Health Sciences. If you encounter these symptoms, make sure to move his food, water, and other items closer to where he sleeps. When you have a hamster as a pet, then you need to be extra cautious and careful about them. Heres how it works. Your hamster will become less active. WebUsually a hamster will live for about 2-3 years at most. On average, a hamster will live for around 2 to 2.5 years. What do Syrian Hamsters look like? On average, hamsters live about 18-36 months, with the Syrian hamster breed more likely to live longer than dwarf varieties. Syrian hamsters can have short or long hair (known as the teddy bear variety). This is important because if they dont get enough exercise they can become restless, bite their cage or try to escape. At this point mothers tend to be separated from their pups, who become sexually mature from 4-6 weeks. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Still want to know more? At two weeks, they open their eyes. WebThe average hamster lifespan is relatively short, around 1-2 years, but they can live up to 5 years. What factors affect how long hamsters live? Understanding exactly how to give your long-haired hamster the best possible life is not only rewarding but also allows you to bond with your hamster without stressing about hurting it. However, it is essential to remember to deduct the weight of the container to find out what your long-haired hamster weighs. Sizes can range from 24x12x16 to 48x12x16 or larger. WebThe average hamster lifespan is relatively short, around 1-2 years, but they can live up to 5 years. Some claim that the oldest Syrian hamster on record actually lived to 6.5 years. The ideal temperature for a hamster is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and the ideal humidity is about 40 percent. Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Birds and Exotic Pets. While pet hamsters can be found practically anywhere, wild hamsters have been on the decline. Mammals age through a process of wear and tear and as time advances, the physical body proves less efficient. As per statistics provided by the Guinness World Records, the longest-lived hamster was 4.5 years old in the United States. Poor baby was balled up in a corner this morning. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Here's what a vet had to say, Trainer reveals the one thing you can do to help your reactive dog stay calm around triggers, Three home remedies for dog allergies (and they're all pretty simple), Improve communication with your dog and master the 'stay' command with one simple tip from a canine trainer, Can dogs be allergic to grass? This is usually less in the wild. Some hamsters will have inherited genes from their parent and grandparents that helpthem to live a long life, while other hamsters will have inherited genes that lead to a shorter lifespan. Once hamsters are sexually mature, you can tell which is which by looking at their rear ends while the hamsters are vertically held with New York, Newborn hamsters, called pups, are extremely vulnerable. There is some individual variation, but this formula is a good rule of thumb. The ideal environment for long-haired hamsters: Hamsters kept at temperatures below 60 F, in low light conditions are more likely to start showing hibernation-type activity, although they will only hibernate at temperatures below 41 F. Learning what normal behavior for your long-haired hamster is will allow you to notice subtle differences in your hamster behavior. Learning how to care for your long-haired hamster is a fascinating process that provides you with ample opportunity to gain insights into your exotic pet. If you do an Internet search, you will find anecdotes from many people claiming their hamsters are living longer than the research shows. Hamsters, Canadian Federation of Humane Societies. They also contain a lot of sugar and fat, leading to diabetes and obesity. Syrian hamster lifespan between 2 and 3 years [males usually outlive females]. Hamsters typically live one to two years, but can live up to three years in captivity. Here are some things to consider. You can also get climbing toys and monitor playtime outside their cage. Featured Image: van Holten. They must also lead an enriched life to be healthy and happy. As explained above, these are just averages. Mitchell, Sandra. You will receive a verification email shortly. A hamsters diet should consist mainly of a commercially produced pelleted rodent diet intended for mice and rats. Only very few hamsters made it past their third birthday. Husbandry and Medical Care of Hamsters. You have entered an incorrect email address! In the wild, they tend to have shorter lives. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The longest-living scientifically documented Syrian hamster lived 3.9 years. Generally, hamsters stay with their mothers until they are 21 to 28 days old. True or not, you can give your hamster the best chance to have a healthy life whatever age it reaches by providing it with optimal care. My baby Chelsea died this morning. Long-haired hamsters require a bit more special care than short haired hamsters, though many people prefer the appearance of long haired hamsters. In general, however, they do not live more than three years. The Syrian hamster, for example, generally lives between 2-3 years, but can live longer in captivity. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Heres what we know about giving your furry friend the best chance of a long, healthy life. She only started getting grey 3 months ago. The best way to ensure they get enough exercise is to buy them a hamster wheel for their cage. Thank you for signing up to Petsradar. I never seen her act old. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Check for signs of stress to ensure a healthy environment. Thats because their bodily resources must be allocated to reproduction, which means less of those resources are devoted to maintenance. Only very few hamsters made it past their third birthday. 2020. Females will come into oestrus relatively early, usually between 6 and 8 weeks old, the males around 8 to 9 weeks. Tubes and tunnels can be dangerous if theyre not kept simple. In the wild, hamsters are targeted by predators including owls and foxes. Before learning how to care for a long-haired Syrian hamster, it is essential to confirm that your hamster is a long-haired Syrian hamster and not an imposter! Many factors affect a hamsters life span, they include; Quality of care. Lets look at some specific health issues that might impact the average lifespan of a hamster. Some long-haired hamsters are called teddy bear hamsters, though this is usually only used to describe long-haired Syrian hamsters. Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery. Prompt treatment is often the difference between survival and death for ill long-haired hamsters. A change in your hamsters diet may help increase his lifespan. For each variety, Russian dwarf hamster lifespan is roughly 16 months 2 years. Ran that wheel like no ones business. Cage size is one of the most important factors to ensure the health of your hamster. Learn how your comment data is processed. . Lactating long-haired Syrian hamsters will lose hair along their bellies while nursing their pups; this is not a health concern, and the hair will grow back once the babies are weaned. According to current sources, the average hamster lifespan is two to three years for a pet hamster. we had the longest. I have a Hamster called Hammy had her for 2 years 3 days ago i noticed a difference in her i thought she was playing at first rolling over on her back and then wobbling on her legs and her fur has faded and can feel her back bone and wont let us pick her up if we try shell grunt and Hiss at us and Yesterday she bit me and has never done that not even to any of us ?? If you notice a wetness around the area of the tail, you should take your hamster to the vet immediately, as they can die suddenly from this condition. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. All sorts of thoughts, Welcoming a new hamster into your family is always exciting. Hamsters do not tend to have very long life cycles. As fragile and sensitive pets, domesticated hamsters are prone to illnesses and other health conditions, which can significantly impact their lifespans. There are a number of foods that are toxic to hamsters including chocolate, onions and garlic, potatoes and tomato leaves. When it comes to cage size, bigger is better but you can research the best dimensions for each breed. After the first six weeks of life, an increase in fat helped hamsters live longer. Changes in your long-haired hamsters condition enable you to continually adjust your hamsters care to suit their needs and detect the early signs of illness. Although the average lifespan is 2 to 2.5 years, there are several factors that may influence how long a hamster will live. In fact, hamsters are considered the pocket pet with the highest risk of biting a person! A Hamster Can Live for Around 24 Years With Proper Care. Some hamsters, however, can live for up to 4 years. Scientists have found that hamsters fed either low levels of both fat and protein or high levels of both fat and protein early in life lived longest. I know they live the longest. Make things easier by placing food bowls and water near your hamster, in case their sight, smell, and vision are affected. WebSyrian hamsters can live in captivity for 32 to 34 months. Alternatively, you can put your hamster in a container and weigh the container and hamster together. Wed love to hear about it! Genetics. There was a problem. She had a huge 3 story cage , tunnels .2 wheels 3 igloos she slept in and she loved to get in her ball. Once hamsters are sexually mature, you can tell which is which by looking at their rear ends while the hamsters are vertically held with The temperature and humidity of their cage is also key. If you are unfamiliar with these kinds of My 1.5y.o. Always approach your hamster slowly, make sure they are awake, alert and make eye contact before picking them up. In the wild, hamsters will breed seasonally but in captivity, its wise to keep sexes separate unless going for hamster world domination. Zara is Editor on bookazines and covers a range of topics from cookery to travel and animals. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Yesterday my daughter and I fed her treats and she was jumping around. Weigl, R. (2015), Longevity of mammals in captivity, E. Schweizerbartsche. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. If you are unfamiliar with these kinds of The average lifespan varies for each hamster breed. 352 (1363). Evolution, stress, and longevity, Journal of Anatomy, Vol. Here are some things to consider. From longest to shortest, the following are the average lifespans of the five most popular hamster species: Roborovski Hamster: 3 to 3.5 years Syrian Hamster: 2 to 2.5 years The average lifespan varies for each hamster breed. You may see that he is losing vision, hearing, and hair. On average, a hamster will live for around 2.5 years. Changes in their circadian rhythms can indicate aging and illness. If you didnt get your hamster as a baby, you might not know how old he is. Being alert to any changes in your hamsters behavior can help keep it as healthy as possible. Back to the full plastic cage. Long-haired hamsters require a bit more special care than short haired hamsters, though many people prefer the appearance of long haired hamsters. The average hamster lifespan ranges from 2 to 2.5 years the key here is average because its important to take into account factors that can influence the lifespan of a hamster. Several types of cages are excellent habitats for your furry friend. You therefore need toknow how long you are committing to looking after your pet and be absolutely sure that youre happy to take on that responsibility. Quesenberry, K., Orcutt, C., Mans, C. and Carpenter, J. Elsevier. Species 4th ed. Additionally, research shows that increased intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. A Detailed Answer, Susceptibility to diseases, e.g., wet tail, Temperature: 64 F to 79 F (17 C to 26 C), The quality of their care, including diet and cage space, Duration, frequency, and severity of chronic and acute stress levels, Fed a balanced diet, free of excessively messy or wet fruit treats. Parents Guide to Selecting a Small Pet for Children. Well get into specifics on individual breeds a little later on in this article. Neurobiology of Aging published a study that examined ways to prolong mammals lives. Siberian dwarf hamster lifespan from 18 months to 2 years. The correct diet, a clean living space, plenty of room to move around and exercise in, and low stress, all help hamsters to live longer. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Syrian hamsters should have a cage with at least 620 square inches of floor space while dwarf hamsters need at least 450 square inches. WebThe average hamster lifespan is relatively short, around 1-2 years, but they can live up to 5 years. The eyes open at two weeks. Cage size for one hamster should be large enough to provide a nest box, exercise wheel, and other enrichment. Any hamster that is a year and a half old is considered elderly. They like a warm, dry climate, and have also been found in countries like China, Mongolia, and Greece. Thats so sad. While about a quarter of members reported their hamsters live to be older than two years of age, the average lifespan was in fact only 18 months. If you have more than one hamster, youll need double the size cage. Infants remain pale and pink until about 2-3 days old, then become darker in pigmentation. In captivity, the average lifespan for a long-haired Syrian hamster is approximately 2yrs, with a few exceptionally long-lived individuals making it to 4yrs old. WebUsually a hamster will live for about 2-3 years at most. For example, some breeds feel the cold easier than others, so avoid draughts and chilly rooms similarly, direct sunlight might be harmful. Not only does the oil make your hamster look like it got caught in an oil spill, but it also provides the perfect environment for fungal and bacterial infections. 2013. This is the average lifespan, and there are many examples that have outlived 3 years, or never reached a year. While you might think about getting your hamster tunnels and tubes to exercise with, if you do, make sure the tubes are big enough as Syrian hamsters, for example, tend to get stuck and this can be quite traumatic for them. Dilute pellet food with water to make it less solid. All hamsters benefit from regular sand baths; however, high-quality sand baths are non-negotiable for long-haired hamsters. Some long-haired hamsters are called teddy bear hamsters, though this is usually only used to describe long-haired Syrian hamsters. Theyre one of the most popular breeds. Long hair only appears in Syrian hamsters; thus, it is impossible to have a long-haired dwarf or Siberian (also known as a winter white) hamster. Males and females are also separated at this stage as breeding is more successful after 10 weeks. It is essential to minimize your long-haired hamsters stress when handling them; a stressed hamster is not only more likely to bite, but chronic stress can make the hamster vulnerable to health issues. Thought, Spotting a suspicious-looking lump or bump on your beloved hamster pal can be practically. Like a warm, dry climate, and Greece are devoted to maintenance cage sizes on levels... 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