interbreeding theory vs replacement theory

What do the outcomes tell a potential investor about Millennial Manufacturing if industry average is 2.6 times and number of days sales ratio is 180 days? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Buffalo gunman, identified by authorities as Payton Gendron, an 18-year-old white man, is believed to have posted online a 180-page document arguing that white Americans were in danger of being. It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. For instance, it proposes that the Neanderthals should be classified as Homo sapiens neanderthalensis -a sub species of Homo sapiens. Political scientists call this dominance syndrome. In conditions of rapid demographic or cultural change, previously dominant social groups often experience a fear of falling. This is exceptionally dangerous when stoked by media and politicians, because this fear is easily weaponized and manipulated by demagogues. The 'Eve' theory is not challenged, but the strict replacement model - which posited no interbreeding - would be refuted. Multiregional Continuity claims that our ancestors evolved continually in separate groups, but interbreeding between groups produced a unity of the human . I also think that when we did interbreed, there may have been issues that reduced fertility rates of some early sapiens-Neanderthals or caused them to die at younger ages, that led to fewer descendants contributing to the modern sapiens population. I cant remember the show, but there was a documentary where a geneticist tried to show how sapiens having a slight advantage (for example, higher fertility/birth rates, or better resistance to diseases or health issues) could lead to the Neanderthals extinction* without a war or campaign of genocide. [2] According to the model, Homo sapiens migrated across and out of Africa (<120,000 BP), replacing archaic humans (such as Neanderthals) across the Old World with negligible . Consisted of flakes, cores, and hand axes. The replacement theory (aka Out of Africa Theory) is based on molecular, fossil, and archeological evidence. Stephance De Sakutin / Getty Images / WIRED. The Recent African Origin (RAO) hypothesis is the dominant model of human evolution, arguing that anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) had an exclusive evolutionary origin in Africa within the last 200,000 years. padding: 0 !important; Fossil evidence shows regional features shared by populations. Thus, identity threat in the case of historically dominant groups is not just a threat to identity, it is astatusthreata threat to the status of that group. The Great Replacement theory, in its 21 st Century incarnation, originated in France with author Renaud Camus and his 2011 book "Le Grand Remplacement," which claims that French liberals and . Mitochondrial Eve confirms the "out of Africa" theory, but the evidence also supports interbreeding between Homo sapiens and other hominins: Neanderthals, Denisovans, and Homo heidelbergensis.This article explains how interbreeding between early H. sapiens and archaic hominins occurred. They work at the London Natural History Museum and really know their stuff. Mating between people family members with very close DNA increases the chance of recessive genetic disorders and decreases evolutionary fitness, leaving the Neanderthals open to becoming extinct. rencontres libertines sans tabous . I'm not sure if this was one of the theories however I do know that being smaller ad having less muscle mass etc. The ultimate goal of those responsible Democrats, leftists, "multiculturalists" and, at times, Jews is to reduce white political power and, ultimately, to eradicate the white race. "This find refutes strict replacement models of modern human origins - that early modern humans all emerged from Africa and wiped out the Neanderthal population," said Dr Trinkaus. *-xe*)Ro!e `n Brian Duignan is a senior editor at Encyclopdia Britannica. The conception of nonwhite immigrants in terms of negative racial and ethnic stereotypes has been commonplace in many white-majority countries, and the notion that nonwhite immigrants, and even long-established nonwhite communities, threaten the freedom and well-being of whites has been a battle cry among white racists. It claims that a small group arose recently in Africa, then spread out and occupied the rest of the world about 50,000-60,000 BP, replaced the native, and more archaic populations of all other regions Archaic Homo sapiens Due to interbreeding on the edges of these regions, evolutionary adaptations were shared across the planet (genetic drift) and the species remained strongly homogenous rather than producing four evolutionarily distinct, anatomically modern human species. The Replacement Theory in Operations Research is used in the decision making process of replacing a used equipment with a substitute; mostly a new equipment of better usage. Evidence suggests anatomically modern humans ( Homo sapiens) left Africa somewhere between . The bigger question is why did sapiens beat out Neanderthals. Given Fox's promotion of the political handbook in an effort to . The answers are complicatedand surprising. The "Replacement Theory" argues that interbreeding between different human species would have produced sterile offspring, meaning Sapiens either outlived or killed all other human species, meaning we're all 100 percent Homo sapiens. Other articles where interbreeding is discussed: evolution: The concept of species: People can also interbreed with one another, and so can cats with other cats, but people cannot interbreed with dogs or cats, nor can these with each other. Their endocranial volumes were measured, and are plotted on the graph. Replacement theory is a set of racist and antisemitic paranoid lies and delusions that has cropped up around the world in the past decade. The shooter targeted a Black neighborhood for reasons detailed in a crude 180-page manifesto posted online shortly before his attack, which emphasized a fear that white Americans were being deliberately replaced by political, economic, and cultural elites. NEW YORK (AP) A racist ideology seeping from the internet's fringes into the mainstream is being investigated as a motivating factor in the supermarket . The research purported all contemporary humans could be traced to relatively recent African origins, maybe even with a common mother. This paper goes into brain comparisons in more detail: Pearce, E., Stringer, C., & Dunbar, R. I. M. (2013). This is why members of materially well-off social groups can, paradoxically, behave like aggrieved victims. (The other theory is the multiregional hypothesis.) You can see that both lines, modern and ancestral, are much higher than the averages for Neanderthals. But anyone closely following the French presidential contest in April would likely have heard of this theory, or something approximating it, much earlier. Which two are discussed at length in this chapter? The first interbreeding with Neanderthals occurred in the Middle East before the ancestors of modern non-Africans spread out across Eurasia. Here is how the ADL explains it: "The Great Replacement" theory has its roots in early 20th century French nationalism and books by French nationalist and author Maurice Barres. .promo-block .title-p-line{border: 2px solid #a21e1e;} Some analysis suggest that a small amount of inbreeding may have occurred, in addition to large scale replacement (Smithsonian Institution, 2016). The economic realities facing the nation suggest that the "replacement theory" has the equation almost exactly backward. Contents: 1 Pre-modern (non-sapiens) hominids. The dashed lines in the lower row represent the means for the two age groups of modern humans. Multiregional evolution contrasts with the mainstream "Recent African Origin" (RAO) theory. I've always thought the theory that Homo Sapiens were better at cooperative work between larger groups and would have outcompeted the closer knit but smaller isolated groups of Neandertals made sense to me. USA TODAY A poll of 1,500 Americans found a majority of self-identified Republicans believe demographic changes are caused by liberal leaders. The Regional Continuity Theory, first developed in the early 1980s by Milford Wolpoff and a group of his students, asserts that after Homo erectus migrated out of Africa and moved into other portions of the Old World, local populations evolved slowly into modern humans through continuous interbreeding, genetic drift and natural selection . _h DJ:I~Zl't>^(#,a>rXRl%%c_D*Y'g:=,*qZO+"=pWCt\qf-tBTLL_Jx]0CANPz.xPy1_@~A5Jd4 9Y;umO*]K"mG.>;}x4. Other prominent Republicans who have amplified the lie include Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House, and far-right members of Congress, including Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar. fiction has given us a lot of advantages and the reason why we won the battle and conquered the neanderthal is that; that we sapiens cooperated, we hunted cooperately, we bare off the fruit trees cooperately and so on, as you have read sapiens, the writer always says : thanks from ficton. The idea is that somehow, nonwhite people or outsiders or strangers or foreigners will overtake the United States via immigration, reproduction and seizure of political . Members of a group under threat will often organize in solidarity to protect their interests, well-being and safety. Interbreeding theory and Replacement theory Interbreeding theory Claims Homo sapiens were attracted to other species and mingled with them. This species encompasses all archaic human forms such as H. erectus and Neanderthals as well as modern forms, and evolved worldwide to the diverse populations of . The opponents of a single origin argue that interbreeding indeed occurred, . Vought's guide promotes numerous conspiracy theories and it is dangerously close to the "Great Replacement" theory. Monu Manesar built a huge audience with violent content, but hes far from the only sectarian streamer in Modis India. In paleoanthropology, the single-origin hypothesis (or Out-of-Africa model) is one of two accounts of the origin of anatomically modern humans, Homo sapiens. They are bigger physically with bigger brains, theoretically. However, it was French writer and critic Renaud Camus who popularized the phrase for today's audiences when he published an essay titled "Le Grand Remplacement," or "the great replacement," in 2011. Basically, I think the argument was if you start with 20 blue cards and 20 red cards, but at the end of every few rounds, the blue deck gets to add a card (or the red one has to lose one), then over time the deck starts looking like its only blue (I know Im explaining this like a moron, so apologies for screwing it up). Symbolic and Interpretive Anthropology: Victor Turner, Clifford Geertz, and David Schneider. An extension of colonialist theory, it is predicated on the notion that white women are not having enough children and that falling birthrates will lead to white people around the world being. H1*wVuTev}43LoqP There are different versions of "Out of Africa," but its major tenet is that modern humans originated as a discrete population or species that rapidly . Inbreeding is unavoidable in small, closed populations because all individuals eventually become related to each other. But it turns out that we might not be totally responsible for this ancient ecocide. Sapiens encountered Neanderthals in the Middle East and Europe. In fact, modern European's DNA contains 1 to 4 percent of Neanderthals DNA. eCdkjqvj-.bbC$5ZLFJL#[HM,^M]mS$1"k6Ctj4/{It| Regarding the interbreeding theory: I'm not personally a huge fan, but there's certainly a lot more supporting evidence for it now than there was ten years ago. I'll check that book out. That's because a white man, who killed 10 Black people and . And when you normalize the data for body size and visual cortex, the different becomes much more pronounced, with modern human brains being much larger. Green Burial Near Jurong East, 1987). Replacement theory is and not restricted to white or Christian (or Protestant) supremacist movements. are vinyl records made of plastic. . The most widely supported theory states that modern humans arose from a single geographic location from one lineage. Part Time Packing Jobs From Home, Out of Africa). An opinion poll last week by the Associated Press and the NORC center for public affairs research found that one in three US adults now subscribe to the false idea that a plot is under way to replace US-born Americans with immigrants, and that those US-born citizens are losing influence and power as a result. 2.3-1.4 million years ago, Adaptive strategies of H. erectus/ergaster to expand out of Africa, Hunting and gathering, pushed the hominin range outside of Africa, Evolution and expansion of H. erectus out of Africa. This theory suggests that anatomically modern humans originated in South-eastern Africa and dispersed throughout the rest of the world replacing existing human populations in Asia ( erectus) and Europe ( neanderthals ). Multiregional evolution holds that the human species first arose around two million years ago and subsequent human evolution has been within a single, continuous human species. Neanderthals were more muscular and bulkier than the modern humans around at the time. The Out of Africa Hypothesis This hypothesis assumes that modern humans dispersed from a single center of origin, but also that they completely replaced older, indigenous forms of Homo, with some possibile interbreeding. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. That genetic material is the result of interbreeding between our two groups at some point in the past. Ok he might not be very knowledgeable in that specific area but there are many things to take away from the rest of the book. Most of these people are willfully ignorant and in more ways that can be counted. Claims Homo sapiens were attracted to other species and mingled with them. The last dwarf species of humans died out 12,000 years ago. Decrying papists, they expressed deep fears that Catholic immigrants might extend the reach and influence of the Vatican over American political communities. As the African immigrants spread around the world, they bred with other human populations, and people today are the outcome of this interbreeding. Such comments reflect a growing unease about the accommodation with replacement theory within rightwing politics and media. Replacement theory featured in the rants of mass shooters at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018 in which 11 people were murdered; a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, in which 23 were killed in 2019; and a synagogue in Poway, California, the same year in which one person died. And Stringer has several other pop-sci books which are also well written and interesting. This is something we must confront and work on if we are to build a society of greater belonging. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Vaesens team used a simulation to see whether the Neanderthals could have died out on their own. THE HUMAN evolutionary tree changes by the year. I was reading 'Homo Sapiens' by Yuval Noah Harari again and this came up. Mr. Wendy's Newark Airport, * This was bas. Since 2014, scientists have been developing a strong case that Neanderthals tended to conceive with their close relatives. And Putins conquest ambitions are about reuniting the Russky Mir or Russian speaking world (which is why he targeted eastern Ukraine), and rebuilding the lost prestige of the Soviet Union and overcoming the psychic trauma and humiliation of its dissolution. The find- MORE TO E XPLORE ing of a 25,000-year-old Portuguese child Race and Human Evolution. In 2015 Dr. Lee Berger uncovered Homo Naledi in caves in South Africa. The bigger question is why did sapiens beat out Neanderthals. The African replacement hypothesis, sometimes called the ''out of Africa hypothesis,'' suggests that humans evolved into Homo sapiens in Africa and then migrated out into the rest of the Old World.. Multiregional evolution holds that the human species . On Saturday, a white man armed with an AR-15-style rifle entered a supermarket in Buffalo in New York state and killed 10 people, almost all of whom were African American. To take just two recent examples, inIndiaand Myanmar (predominantly Hindu and Buddhist and non-white countries), various politicians and prominent figures have stoked fears that Muslims are trying to take over. Indeed, the expression of another group taking over is one of the key tropes found in all expressions of replacement theory. The conspiracies encompass strains of anti-Semitism as well as racism and anti-immigrant sentiment. The "Out of Africa" hypothesis is an evolutionary theory of modern human origin that posits that modern humans arose in the late Pleistocene, about 100,000-200,000 years ago, in Africa. All right reserved. Far-right protesters at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which led to the killing of a woman, chanted You will not replace us. The opinions expressed on the Berkeley Blog are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect the official view of UC Berkeley. Prominent expression of these fears have been precursors to communal violence andeven genocidein both India and Myanmar. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280(1758). WIRED is where tomorrow is realised. My personal belief is in All of the Above. I think that there was probably something that gave sapiens a slight evolutionary advantage, whether that was having more complex language skills, better hunting skills/tools, lower maternal fatality rates, etc.. Stefanik has promoted a politicised version of replacement theory, claiming that Democrats are attempting a permanent election insurrection by seeking citizenship for undocumented immigrants in order to overthrow our current electorate. Spread out and occupied the rest of the (Old) world by 50-60 kya. Out of Africa). The newspaper found that in more than 400 episodes Carlson took up the idea that immigration was being exploited by elites to change the demographics of the US. As these peoples migrated they replaced all other human populations with little or no interbreeding. There are real crises to worry about in the 21st century. Interbreeding theory and Replacement theory Interbreeding theory Claims Homo sapiens were attracted to other species and mingled with them. Others argue that our ancestors had a competitive advantage, so took all of their food and shelter, or that the Homo sapiens slaughtered them all. .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;} There were other subspecies of hominids that also disappeared in the last 70,000 years the Denisovans in the far east, the Homo floresiensis from Flores in Indonesia and Homo erectus. In the meantime, politicians and other leaders must take heed. The replacement might be necessary due to the deteriorating property or failure or breakdown of particular equipment. Multi-Regional Hypothesis. x]s[+pIU> `oQXJmsAAL'2}g>H:Nt33gob\c|;[ki|7owy4,_fd2~l6htNz7b/~x6^/F\l|I:>=< wBc#x7!R0ntQ]AmYs[._~uWj5Uc*_ildWraVli9A)lKlK}|kb;z|erVp _yw]0l8~\1Xkf&J$ 4F67FM7-m~N?L-b @}"#(fO?d.m Inbreeding in an effective population of size (Ne) increases at a rate of 1/ (2 Ne ), per generation with random mating. The reason we often think of replacement theory as a specifically anti-immigrant ideology is because of two key writings "The. Driving the news: Fox News host Tucker Carlson has for years alluded to elements of replacement theory. When combined with inbreeding, it caused an extinction event for all model sizes. The "great replacement" is a conspiracy theory that states that people of color are trying to replace white populations. "The 'Out of Africa' replacement theory has always been a big controversy," Templeton said. I tend towards the bottleneck of population or cooperation by sapiens tipped it towards our favor. The key to understanding many of our current political dysfunctionsand not just in the United Statesis that the fight for inclusion and equity is generally accompanied by the ontological anxiety of identity threat, the fear of falling and cultural displacement among groups that were traditionally dominant. Interbreeding and replacement theory. For example, in an effective population of size 10, there is a 5% increase in inbreeding per generation. When a particular social group feels under attack because of their identity, this is called an identity threat. When a group is threatened or attacked in some way, the targeted identity becomes more salient and more central to the lives of their members. _;M @ciL7F7D|}+Fwj_VvzRCb^KM+juK %geW'HPOPL(15z.e}z?JInsX@trUyj[OzkmWx+?~x26W`- Many people think that if we understand Neanderthals, we also get a better sense of ourselves, who we are and what makes us special or not, says Vaesen. At its core, "replacement theory" is guided by the belief that lower birth rates among Whites (as compared to non-Whites) is allowing some amorphous groups - some adherents to this view blame. What is EBIT, or operating income? Africans, long thought to have no Neanderthal DNA, were recently found to have genes from the hominins comprising around 0.3 percent of their genome. It depends on what you're comparing to. The attack on Ukraine by Russian forces may have paradoxically helpedcement Ukrainian national identity and deepened solidarity through resistance. Rimowa Topas Discontinued, What is replacement theory? This theory proposes that heidelbergensis, the Neanderthals, the Denisovans and archaic sapiens were all members of the same species. In recent decades the Replacement Theory has been the common wisdom in the field. Harari suggests that the reason Sapiens beat out Neanderthals was because of our greater communication skills. The authors of a new study out from "Down Under" (Australia) claim that they have data supporting the multiregional model. .intro-body h1,.intro-body h2,.intro-body h3,.intro-body h4,.intro-body h5,.intro-body h6 { color: #ffffff} img.emoji { What this study does suggest is that even though Homo sapiens could have had an impact on their Neanderthal cousins, inbreeding and demographic shifts would have killed them off anyway. Two theories, the Interbreeding Theory and Replacement Theory, are then discussed in relation to the fate of these other humans, with the author seeming to prefer a Replacement Theory where "Neanderthals and Denisovans contributed only a small amount of DNA to our present-day genome" (p. 17). img.wp-smiley, Multi-Regional: H. Erectus always maintained relations with neighbors (interbreeding). This is the second important point to understand: When members of a social group are told by political elites or media that their cultural unit or social group is under attack, they can be readily motivated to violence and are more likely to justify violence in defense of their group. This theory is partly attributed to a French writer,Renaud Camus, who maintainedthat previous generations of European immigrants had been drawn by love for France, but newer arrivals since the 1970smostly from Frances former coloniesdidnt come as friends, but as conquerors and colonizers, motivated by revenge and a desire to punish France. Some formulations of this theory are less conspiratorial, but no less virulent, claiming that, whether by design or accident, the population growth of immigrants and their descendants, Muslims, and non-white peoples are threatening French identity, institutions and culture by replacing legacy (read: white and Christian) French people in the polity,gradually transforming French society. The replacement theory (aka Out of Africa Theory) is based on molecular, fossil, and archeological evidence. There's promise and fulfillment. When policymakers enact anti-LGBTQ legislation, then LGBTQ persons are not only more likely to feel an identity threat, but also feel that their sexual orientation and/or gender identity is more central to their being and sense of self. Replacement theory featured in the rants of mass shooters at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018 in which 11 people were murdered; a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, in which 23 were. The illegal trade of Siberian mammoth tusks revealed, I ditched Google for DuckDuckGo. His similarly hate-filled statement was titled The Great Replacement. By 1880 the Brazilian white elite and slaveholders were faced with two imminent repercussions of the abolition of slavery that threatened to derail every aspect of the society and the economy: the six million free blacks about to be unleashed on society and the loss of slave labor for the plantations. display: inline !important; It has been shown. People leave messages at a makeshift memorial near a Tops Grocery store in Buffalo, New York, the day after a gunman shot dead 10 people. Dr Trinkaus says the Portuguese skeleton provides powerful evidence for the interbreeding theory. In 1920, Marcellin Boule - a French palaeontologist who helped popularise the now-debunked idea that Neanderthals were brutish and dim-witted - posited a theory that Homo sapiens violently replaced. Simply have read others that disgree, believe its unsettled science. The second theory, ' Replacement Theory ', argues that Homo sapiens and other human species must have had little to no sexual interest in each other, owing to their different physical anatomy and habits. A new, more robust analysis of recently derived human gene trees by Alan R. Templeton, Ph.D, of Washington University in St Louis, shows three distinct major waves of human migration out of Africa instead of just two, and statistically refutes strongly the 'Out of Africa' replacement theory. While the new study confirms that modern humans interbred at least three times with ancient homininsonce with Neanderthals, and twice with the Denisovansit also raises the possibility of even. Perhaps this is why Homo sapiens wiped out the Neanderthals: "They were too familiar to ignore, but too different to tolerate." The last dwarf species of humans died out 12,000 years ago. You might have seen slightly different names for them. Were leaning to either 2 or 3. Dr Trinkaus says the Portuguese skeleton provides powerful evidence for the interbreeding theory. In the wake of the Buffalo shooting Liz Cheney, the Republican congresswoman from Wyoming, accused the leadership of her own party in the House of enabling white nationalism, white supremacy, and antisemitism. Military Hygiene Bag Mcguire, Dhanush Son Yatra Recent Photos, It is not uncommon today to hear the argument advanced that Covenant Theology is anti-semitic, because it it is erroneously accused of teachubg that the New Testament Church replaces God's Old Testament people, ethnic Israel. Up until now, (probably due to lack of evidence) the Replacement Theory was strongly backed. Following the shooting in Buffalo, N.Y., focus has been trained on the "replacement" theory, also known as "white replacement" theory. Indias YouTube Vigilante Is Wanted for Murder. body{font-family:"Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:0.01em;line-height:1.75;text-transform:none;color:#777777;}h1{font-family:Montserrat, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:36px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:0px;line-height:1.25;text-transform:none;color:#333333;}h2{font-family:Montserrat, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:30px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:0px;line-height:1.25;text-transform:none;color:#333333;}h3{font-family:Montserrat, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:24px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:0px;line-height:1.25;text-transform:none;color:#333333;}h4{font-family:Montserrat, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:18px;font-weight:600;letter-spacing:0px;line-height:1.25;text-transform:none;color:#333333;}h5{font-family:Montserrat, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:600;letter-spacing:0px;line-height:1.25;text-transform:none;color:#333333;}h6{font-family:Montserrat, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:600;letter-spacing:0px;line-height:1.25;text-transform:none;color:#333333;}.signature_vc, blockquote cite a{font-family:Kalam, "Comic Sans MS", cursive, sans-serif;font-size:27px;font-weight:300;letter-spacing:0.02em;line-height:1.75;text-transform:none;color:#555;}@font-face{font-display:swap;font-family:'Source Sans Pro';font-style:normal;font-weight:400;src:url( format('woff');}@font-face{font-display:swap;font-family:'Montserrat';font-style:normal;font-weight:600;src:url( format('woff');}@font-face{font-display:swap;font-family:'Montserrat';font-style:normal;font-weight:700;src:url( format('woff');}@font-face{font-display:swap;font-family:'Kalam';font-style:normal;font-weight:300;src:url( format('woff');} .wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; }. 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To learn the rest of the ( Old ) world by 50-60 kya of mammoth... Unavoidable in small, closed populations because all individuals eventually become related to each other the world the... Read others that disgree, believe its unsettled science on Ukraine by forces! Opinions expressed on the Berkeley Blog are the authors own and interbreeding theory vs replacement theory not necessarily reflect the official view of Berkeley! Question is why did sapiens beat out Neanderthals their endocranial volumes were measured, and archeological evidence,... Based on molecular, fossil, and are plotted on the graph and deepened solidarity through resistance but the replacement. ) Ro! e ` n Brian Duignan is a set of racist and paranoid! That make sense of a 25,000-year-old Portuguese interbreeding theory vs replacement theory Race and human evolution out their. 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