speckle park cattle for sale victoria

Rarely, there are some animals born with red markings. Quiet easy girls $800 each All cows are up to date on vaccinations and drenching, Speckle Park / Angus Price dropped $2,200/head. Diversifying out of dairy is delivering results for Dale and Robyn Scott, who have gone into producing Speckle Park cattle at Stoney Creek, near Leongatha. AuctionsPlus is a market leader in providing online services for the .imageElement { Fish Creek Farm Speckle Park Stud do things Right, if we dont get it Right we do it again and again so you walk away happy. Gestation length. All with calves at foot and in calf again, 6 Speckle Park cross friesian steers. Updated May 10 2017 - 8:41pm, first published May 9 2017 - 2:30pm. 15-18 months old, excellent condition, drenches and vaccinations all up to date. height: 50px; The resulting offspring came in a variety of colour patterns, some white with black points, some leopard coloured (spotted on their sides ) and some black sided with speckled hips, white top and underline and roan faces. 2016 Adelaide Royal. Our Open Day is held on the last Saturday in August each year. Australians are drinking less cow's milk - but the product remains a vital part of the dairy industry. The association was established in 2008 and the first New Zealand member joined in 2010. All Speckle Park International requirements have been met to ensure registering your ET calves is smooth and easy. } #top .avia-font-entypo-fontello, body .avia-font-entypo-fontello, html body [data-av_iconfont='entypo-fontello']:before{ font-family: 'entypo-fontello'; }, Highly fertile breed with ample milk supply, Outstanding weight gains & marbling from both grass & grain, Remarkable adaptability to all climates and condiditons, Crosses well with Bos Indicus & Bos Taurus cattle, Easily identified as Speckle Park cattle to potential buyers. Check out other Donors past and present on our Speckle Park females page. } In Queensland, Karen Miles and Peter Maunders, Harlin, sold five-month-old Speckle Park-cross steer calves, for $1480 at Woodford, Ray Devere, Kureelpa, sold a pen of Speckle Park heifers weighing 100kg to 110kg, for $1090 at Woodford, and Taunton Pastoral, Iredale, sold Speckle Park heifer calves at Laidley for $2500. To improve our herd we also have an extensive embryo implant and flushing program. } Speckle park breeder quality heifers 100% quite. Its as though the drought has brought the characteristics of the breed to the fore and has just added toour conviction that Speckles will have a real place in the Australian herd in the future. The breed was named "Speckle Park" by Bill and Eillen Lamont. Speckle Park x Angus 9 months Livestock Cattle Speckle Park x Angus 9 months old steers soft quiet cattle yard weaned, $1500 incl each ono. Please follow our website for the latest news and association information. 3 year old Speckle Park x Fresian Heifer. font-weight: bold !important; Their interest grew in these hardy, heavy milking and distinctly marked cattle to the stage they started purchasing bulls and females from the Lamonts to try them in their herds. They are however tribal and prefer to be in the company of other cattle. We have a moderate sized herd of Speckle Park cattle. S21 is a bull suited to heifers but can also cover heifers if needed. ?> 1 x 2 year old heifer INCREASED demand with the national herd rebuild and good seasonal conditions across most of the country pushed prices for Speckle Park commercial cattle sky high last year, and there's no sign of the red hot market slowing down. Speckle Parks are moderate sized. Agriculture is diverse, with dairy, beef, sheep and cropping contributing significantly to the . Pic: 3EGVP586 Ready to work in May 2023. 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Speckle Park 1. F1 SPECKLE PARK/ FRIESIAN HEIFERS 10 -12 MONTHS. 400kg +/- Weaner bulls also available- F4 Speckle Park weaner bulls. Cattle 1. Within a few short years a dedicated group of breeders were now breeding Speckle Park cattle mainly from the Nielburg area of northern Saskatchewan. 10:00 AM (SYD, NSW) AEDT 9954673 - 1 NSM Future Breeder GRESFORD, New South Wales The Speckle Park is a modern Canadian breed of beef cattle.It was developed in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan from 1959, by cross-breeding stock of the British Aberdeen Angus and Shorthorn breeds; the spotted or speckled pattern for which it is named derived from a single bull with the colour-pointed markings of the British White Park. -webkit-border-radius: 5px; Our goal is to help you get better results from your herd. float: none !important; I bought her as part of a package but now have had some unexpected truck expenses come up. 1 was here. Copyright Wattle Grove Speckle Park|All Rights Reserved|Site by. 1 Speckle Park Cattle for sale Scone 8th Annual Invitational Speckle Park Stud Sa Livestock Cattle Scone 8th Annual Invitational Speckle Park Stud Sale 22nd April 2023 0427 482 147 or 0428 791 972 As advertised in The Land Contact Seller for Price Tambar Springs, NSW View Similar results SHORTHORN Livestock Cattle Be in the company of other cattle northern Saskatchewan had some unexpected truck expenses come up named. Quot ; by Bill and Eillen Lamont are drinking less cow & # x27 ; s milk - the! International requirements have been met to ensure registering your ET calves is and... F4 Speckle Park females page. 6 Speckle Park females page. calf again, 6 Park. Were now breeding Speckle Park cattle come up Open Day is held on the last Saturday in August year! Cattle mainly from the Nielburg area of northern Saskatchewan also cover heifers if needed results from your.! 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