types of globalization ppt

what is globalization? )JJs{kR1BJBRB 1B9csk)Z!119B1)BB1ZRBcsJ11! what is globalization? This lesson is very important .. and I learned more about the topic. Globalization: The Example of Dubai. Adidas sports goods are sold around the world. changing distribution of manufacturing. Globalization reduced barriers to setting up factories and industries in another country. Businesses and industries operating at a global level directly or indirectly affect the surrounding environments where they operate. (There are many different cultures within a society. Globalization is accomplished through the use of technology, as well as through trades and investments made internationally. Cultural Globalization 6. This plant accidentally released almost 30 tons of highly toxic gas which is called methyl isocyanate and other poisonous gases as well. Thanks to social networks, we can connect with like-minded people worldwide. London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2008, Globalization and Industrial Development in Nigeria, Internalizing Globalization. Presentation Outline Globalization Globalization and state sovereignty McWorld Responses to Globalization. Transport is creating a global village. The Coca-Cola market is worldwide. All the advice on this site is general in nature. That is, the expression of globalization also occurs in political ideology. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. globalization: is the trend toward greater, Globalization - . 15 hours ago. Financial Globalization - World's financial systems have become intimately interconnected - Stock market trading in New York stock exchange can affect Tokyo and Hong Kong - Wave continues in European markets then back to American markets - Important to note: reflects interconnectivity of network of world cities, not nations Its understood to have been happening since the beginning of time but has rapidly accelerated since the 1950s. 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Too Tired? economist have felt for a very long time that, Globalization - . Cultural globalization is the process by which a world-class of goods, ideas and information is produced in one part of the world. In terms of family, ethnicity, tribe, village, religion etc., the identity of individual people was determined. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. It can also be seen in the performance of stock markets in one country fluctuating based on financial news in another country. Information beyond the borders of the national state organizes this process. You can find a Chinese, French or Canadian investor to wire you some money to start your business instead of just relying on local investors! The process of cultural globalization is also sometimes called McDonaldization. Translated and adapted different types of documents such as Marketing or training materials, Newsletters, PowerPoint . Dark blue represents states with the toughest environmental regulations. But many nations also face backlash because of the sense that overseas companies buy out too much of their businesses, real estate and farming land which could be a threat to a nations sovereignty. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Due to globalization, the power to make decisions is transferred from the national state to the regional alliances. 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Click here to review the details. Geographical globalization refers to the idea that the world is no longer seen as groups of distinct nations as much as it once was. effects on v isual c ulture. globalization : the process of increasing interconnectedness between societies such that events in one, Globalization - . Economic Globalization 3. Chase-Dunn, Christopher and Thomas D. Hall. Download more unique Presentation templates from SlideEgg. Your email address will not be published. Cite this Article in your Essay (APA Style), Privacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsDisclaimerAccessibility StatementVideo Transcripts. Ampayon, Butuan City 8600, Philippines URL: www.carsu.edu.ph The Global Economy 2.1 The Contemporary World Now, here . The transformation of liberalism is called an example of political ideology in the process of globalization. Economic Globalization [Types of Globalization] The concept of globalization as a whole is largely economic. Free Trade Globalization open doors for international opportunities like the national market, free trade, flow of labor, constant improvement in technology. Related Concept: McDonaldization (with Examples). A capital-rich country, for example, might invest in a capital-poor country. Sociological Globalization 7. Many people think we shouldnt interfere in the decisions of other nations. Need More Time? Another criticism is that it led to the spread of the political ideology of neoliberalism that increases the gap between the rich and the poor. Free trade, greater foreign direct investment, and the formation and growth of global corporations are all characteristics of this period. THE STRUCTURE OF GLOBALIZATION BY: ARNEL G. PEREZ, MS fTHE STRUCTURE OF GLOBALIZATION Intended Learning Outcomes: The Global Economy Define the following concepts such as economic globalization; market integration; modern world system; Market Integration and contemporary global governance The Global Explain the effects of globalization 1) Globalization defined Globalization is the interdependence of economies and cultures. As such marketing, business, transportation, supply chains, etc. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Increased consumer spending on impulsive purchases: E-wallets and faster shipping prompt people to make impulsive purchases.. The main objective of the global economy is to maximize the market. 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The cost of acquiring resources to research new technologies decreased due to economic globalization., Benefits of technological globalization. McDonalds has demanded the worlds fast food market. Yes; No; Answer: A) Yes Explanation: Ivy will only replicate jar artefacts if the type is set to jar. Ecological Globalization 8. Globalisation 4th Edition Recognizing the pretentiousness ways to acquire this book Strategic Management Competitiveness And Globalisation 4th Edition is additionally useful. The effects of a good or bad economy, technology, and pandemics were limited to the societies these trends emerged from.. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. 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Economic globalization has two facets, including the globalization of markets and the globalization of production. Political Globalization [Types of Globalization], 5. There are 8 types of Globalization: Social globalization Technological globalization Financial globalization Economic globalization Political globalization Cultural globalization Ecological globalization Sociological globalization Through these 8 aspects, we can see how our world is becoming more integrated on many different levels. A cultural phenomenon? These may include gender based violence, gender inequality, Gender rights, gender health, gendered knowledge, gendered . By comparing the conditions that facilitated the creation of postwar industrial relations regimes to the current situation, the book hopes to illustrate the historical limitations of trade unionism as an effective form of resistance. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Social globalization is a process. This power point presentation explores the different structure of globalization and how it impacts the global community. 8 types of Globalization.ppt - Google Slides. It is suggested that only through the heightened consciousness of island citizens of linkages across oceanic regions and their explicit incorporation as social agents to complement and, if required, counter interstate negotiations and strategies can contemporary forms of inter-island cooperation in the global South be sustained. However, while the Declaration opens with the affirmation that sustainable development programmes must seek to enhance the quality of life of peoples, including their health, well-being and safety, it does not affirm the centrality of island peoples as key agents in this development. quickly write down what globalization means to you?. Your submission has been received! It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. In specifically economic contexts, it refers almost exclusively to the effects of trade, particularly trade liberalization or "free trade". Only the first 3 types of globalization are required for A-Level exams. https://helpfulprofessor.com/types-of-globalization/. This long-term view allows me to elaborate how the nexus of financialization, globalization, neoliberalism, and world hegemony came together to create the most far-reaching financial crisis since the Great Depression. And now more than ever, it feels as if we all live in one society instead of a group of different societies. That is why it has met some environmental measures while conducting business deals for sustainable development. A country's national economy might have an impact on other countries throughout the world. international trade. You will also notice the movement of manufacturing industries to developing nations to make the most of low wages and lowers the price of goods. Getting your head around this can prevent a lot of confusion around which aspect of globalization fits within which definition it may fit within multiple. Other examples include the spread of Disney music, secularism and consumer culture. opens up a new world in front of people. Required fields are marked *. integration and interdependence of the world economies. Some of these changes include the integration of many new and varied actors into the financial sector, the financialization of the globalized production process, the increased use of finance by lower and middle classes to reproduce labor in the face of stagnant wages, and the increased use of derivatives for profit-making. ~Employees in developing countries have more opportunities, ~Increased exposure to more cultures and lifestyles, ~Starts a dialogue for various international problems, ~Formation of international organizations, ~Healthy competition between nations for socio-economic growth, ~A collective effort towards common problems, ~Growth of tech-based startups and small business, ~More opportunities for unskilled workers, Gain local presence anywhere in the world, Access and onboard global employees and freelancers. 8 Types ofGlobalization: 1. Its effects are so waterproof that several hundred blog posts aspire to spell out the different types of globalization. Click to visit LANGUAGE AND GLOBALIZATION PPT.pptx - LANGUAGE AND The 1994 Declaration of Barbados and the Barbados Programme of Action (BPOA) was a watershed in the scale and scope of international cooperation between small island developing states (SIDS). Enjoy subscriber-only access to this articles pdf. Even the like-mindedness of people from two different hemispheres is thanks to globalization which led to the transfusion of ideas., Political globalization refers to the ripple effects and continuity of political relationships between countries., Setting up international organizations such as the UN, NATO, WTO, which debates and regulate international politics and trade, is also an example of this type of globalization.. Wave continues in European markets then back, Important to note: reflects interconnectivity of. Your email address will not be published. In Brigitte Young, Isabella Bakker and Diane Elson (eds) Questioning Financial Governance from a Feminist Perspective, pp. Ziya ni and Ali Burak Gven, The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of Neo-liberal Globalization: Rupture versus Continuity, Introduction: The Diffusion of Liberalization, Restructuring Hegemony in the Age of Neo-liberal Globalization, Critical Perspectives on Globalization and Neoliberalism in the Developing Countries, The Role of the World Bank in Peripheral Economies: A Study of Nigeria, Poverty eradication in Southern Africa: Civil Society Perspectives, Deconstructing Fayyadism: Palestinian Economic Development & the Liberal Peacebuilding Agenda, The Reproduction of Neoliberalism and the Global Capitalist Crisis, REDEFINING HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE STRUGGLE FOR PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT, Competing hegemons? Ecological globalization refers to the idea that the world needs to be considered one interconnected ecosystem. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Technological globalization is closely connected to the anthropological scapes of globalization theory by Arjun Appadurai. an exchange of aesthetics. 8 types of Globalization ff1. Although these terms have elements in common, they have taken on technical meanings that distinguish them from each other and from common usage. What is Strategy Implementation and How To Implement it? Definition, Types, Reasons, and Pros/Cons. Environmental globalization refers to internationally coordinated practices and regulations in the form of international treaties regarding environmental protection. Must-ReadGlobalization is a Myth or Reality. Also known as sociological globalization, social globalization refers to the integration of our societies. Ubiquitous McDonalds restaurants all over the world have become, according to Barber, a symbol of Western capitalism Although we tend to see a correlation between capitalism and democracy, Barber argues that McWorld capitalism has become undemocratic by hurting local cultures, businesses, and seeking only profit, 4) Responses to Globalization Protest Disintegration Decentralization Race to the Bottom, Protest Many people on the political Left see globalization as a threat to the average citizen Young people in particular have led vocal protests against what they see as the excesses of Western capitalism and globalization, Scenes from the Occupy Wall Street Protests in the US last year, Disintegration As the world economy moves closer to integration, some states have experienced disintegration as nations, minority groups especially, become dissatisfied with the loss of decision making power, and the perceived threat to their distinct cultures, Some nations see globalization as an opportunity for violence and separatism Since 1991 33 new states have been created Others have tried and failed: Chechnya in Russia tried to secede in the mid 1990s The Chiapas (indigenous peoples) in Mexico, angered over NAFTA, launched a revolution in the mid 1990s, Decentralization Some nations have used globalization to demand more decision making powers from the central govt such as in Scotland and Wales with the creation of new national assemblies. It has the best visual designs to showcase the information. four inter-related, Globalization : - . 3. Arjun Appadurai talks about the possible effect of homogenization of culture, where dominant nations like the United States spread their cultures through television and movies, which leads to the dilution and loss of local and indigenous cultures and the rise of a global culture. It affects worldwide societies in the aspects of Economic, Social, Political, Cultural, and environmental. This is to remove the regulatory rules imposed on a countrys economic affairs and to expose the domestic economy to the world. The United States of America also affected a lot due to globalization. globalization-, Globalization - . Globalization has emerged and developed mainly as an economic concept and system. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. 1. This is the concept that knowledge is shared among nations and groups of people for the betterment of the world. MSc Dissertation: The Historical and Transnational Origins of Contemporary Austerity: Uncovering the Agency, Space and International Regimes Behind Southern European Peripheralisation 2017, The Political Economy of the 2009 Greek Debt Crisis : A Realist Analysis, Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity, Governing Capital, Labor, and Nature in a Changing World * Coordinating Lead Authors: 1 Lead Authors: 2. Financial Globalization2. This allows foreign interests to sway the political wind according to their desire. Increased homogenization of cultures: As the world becomes one massive society, cultures will become less distinct. It is the process of uniting all political ideologies under a single government. Examples of this include the spread of the internet, solar panel technology and medical technologies which can all help improve the lives of people around the world. By analyzing large-scale historical lines unique to the late 20th century, I show that financialization and globalization mediated through US world hegemony and neoliberalism created feedback loops promoting, not just a quantitative rise in the use of finance, but qualitative changes to overarching production, distribution, and consumption practices throughout the global economy. The major types of globalization take place in five forms. Technological globalization refers to the integration of national technology with the world. The template uses powerful icons that can be used to access all the features of globalization. Development of the internet, communication, cloud computing, and smart devices have accelerated the performance of people and businesses and further enhances the standards of people around the world. Princeton, United States: Princeton University Press. They are: Economic Globalization The shift toward a more linked and interdependent world economy is referred to as economic globalization. People can go from one country to another easily, and those who are most highly educated can get jobs in different nations with more ease than ever. These are: Economic Globalization Social Globalization Cultural Globalization Political Globalization Environmental Globalization 1. Countries worldwide have come to sign climate accords like the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Climate Agreement to invest in lowering its carbon emissions. An argument against political globalization is that it involves countries meddling in each others business. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. A contagion from one country has spread, mutated, and wreaked havoc to several societies of the world. It was also the beginning of a heightened international concern with the particularities of SIDS developmental trajectories, constraints and opportunities. Encourage brash consumerism: Increased per capita consumption in developed countries has pressured manufacturers. Search. Political - Political globalization is the creation of a world government which regulates the relationships among nations and guarantees the rights arising from social and economic globalization. It takes place in different types of forms. GLOBALIZATION - . A variety of regional and global organizations, like ASEAN, BIMSTEC, and SAARC, as well as global institutions like the IMF, WTO, and UN, are concerned about democracy and human rights around the world. Hollywood movies are screened worldwide. Notifications 5. The identity of the socialized people is renewed. It aims at addressing global environmental issues such as global warming, ozone layer depletion, loss of biodiversity, acid rain, and global pollution. Globalization has led to higher income and a boom in production. Employers began taking advantage of cheaper labor with specialized skills., Although with weakened borders, it is still difficult for companies to set up entities in other countries. Job. It also takes good paying jobs away from developed nations. However, this type of globalization can be seen as a side-effect. This ties in with the belief that "umbrella" global organisations are better placed than individual states to prevent conflict. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. - World's financial systems have become intimately interconnected. View Assessment - TCW Topic 2.1 Ppt.pdf from IS 1 at Father Judge High School. Decisions of other nations presentation Outline globalization globalization and how it impacts the economy! National market, free trade, greater foreign direct investment, and environmental interests to the... 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