About Common Grounds

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About Us

We are an alternative expression of church from diverse backgrounds

that are searching for spiritual community, who have struggled to find it in

mainstream spaces of the church and society.

Together we are relearning and re-imagining what its looks

like to live as a Gods people around tables, living fully present lives, following the ways of Jesus.

Creating spaces for people to know and be known,
love and be loved by God and neighbor.

Scripture tells us that
Scripture tells us that

God moved into a neighborhood in the person of Jesus, we seek to live incarnationally following the way of Jesus and being fully present in our neighborhoods, participating in the restoration of all things, seeking justice and loving God and neighbor.

We value tables or spaces where people naturally gather such as tables, front steps, porches, coffee shops where we can know and be known by each other and our neighbor.

We seek
We seek

to learn to be fully present to ourselves, God and others. We seek to be fully present to ourselves, being aware of our stories and practicing a holistic Christian faith, mind, body, soul and emotions. Being present to where God is at work in, around and through us by practicing contemplative practices and being present in the spaces we inhabit. We know each other by listening well, learning stories and holding space for each other and God to speak.

Our expression
Our expression

of what church looks like is built around locally rooted city groups that will meet in homes and third spaces in the community. In addition, a larger social space known as our common grounds community that will be centered around a meal and conversation that would be open to the public.

Our desire
Our desire

is to create spaces where people can know and be known; love and be loved by God and neighbor throughout our city, in order to see the restoration of all things and all people.

Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

Creating spaces to know and be known, love and be loved by God and neighbor

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Creating spaces
To know and be known
Love and be loved

Creating spaces

for us consists of deep table fellowship around spaces where people naturally gather whether they be tables, front steps, porches and yards. Spaces would also include our communities of faith that would function as house churches within localized neighborhoods, as well as our public social space that would function as a different expression of church, that would consist of a meal, conversations and brief teaching and opportunities to serve.

We would also seek to create spaces for the common good of the neighborhood as well.

To know and be known

is to know deeply other people, this involves listening, holding space and learning their story. To know God deeply, what He is like, paying attention to where He is at work around us and through the lives of others.

To be known involves being vulnerable and knowing ourselves and learning to know ourselves how God sees us. Letting others into our lives to see our brokenness and into our stories. Allowing ourselves to be known by God and to learn more about ourselves.

Love and be loved

to love God with our heart, soul, mind and strength is a gift to us because we are first loved by God. We can only love because we are loved to know what love is.

We seek to live into knowing and experiencing God’s love for us and to accept his love of us, so that we can learn to love others and learn how to receive love from others. To love God with all of our being and to love our neighbor the same way.


revealed in and through the person of Jesus tells us what God is like. We seek to know God by knowing Jesus, also by knowing the story of the God of Israel and how he interacted with them throughout history. We understand many people and religions have an understanding of God, we seek to learn from all faiths any truths about God, but believe God is ultimately revealed to us in Jesus.


Jesus when asked who is my neighbor, responds with the story of the good Samaritan. We learn from that story that our neighbor extends to those who are even our enemies and hate us. We learn that neighbors are those who are ethnically and racially different from us. That our neighbors may be people we don’t like, but we learn to receive love and care from them. Neighbor to us includes all people made in the image of God. When asked about the greatest commandment Jesus’ response is to love God with your heart, soul, mind and strength and states the second is like it to love your neighbor as yourself. In stating the second is like it, we find that the two are inextricably linked together and inseparable.



Way of Jesus
Church as Family
Restoration of All Things