Public Gatherings

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Common Grounds Public Gathering will start in Spring 2022 on a monthly basis. Follow us on social media for more information. If interested in joining one of our

current Common Grounds communities please contact us [email protected] or on facebook.


Our Common Grounds Gathering (CGG) will function as a public social space gathering that will function as an alternative expression of church for those interested in connecting in a social space before entering a CGC (Common Ground Community). It will primarily be organized around a meal and conversation with a brief talk, liturgy and artistic expression. We will meet around tables to share a meal together, hear a brief talk and artistic expression, be led by table hosts in a conversation and close in some liturgical expression of prayer and song. Our Gathering will be safe place for all from diverse backgrounds that are searching for spiritual community, who have struggled to find it in mainstream spaces of the church and society. As people find healing and restoration in this space they would move into more intimate community within our Common Ground Communities. Our Gathering will be and function as a social space in terms of feel and numbers. They will be around 50-75 people so that people can feel and get a taste of community and not a program. Our gatherings will be multiplied when we meet those numbers in order keep a sense of community in our gathering for all who would come.


Common Grounds will primarily be structured around our Common Grounds Communities (CGC’s) that will function similarly to a missional community. They will be a locally rooted presence in a neighborhood that will either meet in a home or third space in the community. It will be made up of individuals that would live primarily within that neighborhood or areas. CGC’s will be our primary means for discipleship and community. They will function as a team all working together utilizing their own gifts and abilities. Guided by a multiple person leader team that will empower everyone in the group to contribute and help shepherd and provide direction to the group. CGC’s would seek the common good of the neighborhoods and spaces they inhabit, would seek to live on mission together, function as a family and to create new spaces for people to know and be known, love and be loved by God and neighbor.


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